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Atlassian Jira Service Management

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Use this pack to manage Jira objects and attach files to Jira objects from XSOAR

Jira Assets is a plugin for Jira that allows teams to track and manage their physical and digital assets within the Jira platform. It provides features such as asset tracking, inventory management, and issue tracking for assets.

What does this pack do?

Using the commands in the integration, you can leverage what the Jira Assets API has to offer, such as:

  • Adding, reading, updating and deleting assets

  • Getting object schemas

  • Getting object types

  • Adding, reading and deleting object's attachments

  • Adding, reading and deleting object's comments

  • You can perform tasks that a user would need to do manually in the Jira Assets UI or would need to provide automations to do.

Jira Assets is a plugin for Jira that allows teams to track and manage their physical and digital assets within the Jira platform. It provides features such as asset tracking, inventory management, and issue tracking for assets.

What does this pack do?

Using the commands in the integration, you can leverage what the Jira Assets API has to offer, such as:

  • Adding, reading, updating and deleting assets

  • Getting object schemas

  • Getting object types

  • Adding, reading and deleting object's attachments

  • Adding, reading and deleting object's comments

  • You can perform tasks that a user would need to do manually in the Jira Assets UI or would need to provide automations to do.



Cortex XSOARCortex XSIAM


CertificationRead more
Supported ByCortex
CreatedJuly 2, 2024
Last ReleaseMarch 26, 2025
Asset Management
Network Security
Vulnerability Management

Content packs are licensed by the Publisher identified above and subject to the Publisher’s own licensing terms. Palo Alto Networks is not liable for and does not warrant or support any content pack produced by a third-party Publisher, whether or not such packs are designated as “Palo Alto Networks-certified” or otherwise.