Use Azure Data Explorer integration to collect and analyze data inside clusters of Azure Data Explorer and manage search queries.
Azure Data Explorer Pack
Use the Azure Data Explorer pack to collect and analyze data inside Azure Data Explorer clusters, and to manage search queries.
What does this pack do?
- Execute a Kusto Query Language (KQL) query against the given database inside a cluster.
- List search queries that have reached a final state in the given database.
- List currently executing search queries in the given database.
- Start a best-effort attempt to cancel a specific running search query in the specified database.
- Start, complete, or rerun the authorization process.
- Rest the connectivity to Azure Data Explorer.
This pack contains an integration, which was integrated and tested with version V1 of AzureDataExplorer.
Azure Data Explorer Pack
Use the Azure Data Explorer pack to collect and analyze data inside Azure Data Explorer clusters, and to manage search queries.
What does this pack do?
- Execute a Kusto Query Language (KQL) query against the given database inside a cluster.
- List search queries that have reached a final state in the given database.
- List currently executing search queries in the given database.
- Start a best-effort attempt to cancel a specific running search query in the specified database.
- Start, complete, or rerun the authorization process.
- Rest the connectivity to Azure Data Explorer.
This pack contains an integration, which was integrated and tested with version V1 of AzureDataExplorer.