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Bitbucket Cloud is a Git-based code and CI/CD tool optimized for teams using Jira

What does this pack do?

  • Returns a specific project or a list of projects in a workspace.
  • Returns a list of the open branches.
  • Returns the information of the requested branch.
  • Creates or deletes a branch in Bitbucket.
  • Creates a new commit in Bitbucket.
  • Returns a list of the commits in accordance with the included and excluded branches.
  • Deletes a given file from Bitbucket.
  • Returns the content of the given file, along with the option to download it.
  • Creates or updates an issue in Bitbucket.
  • Returns a specific issue or a list of all the issues, according to the limit parameter.
  • Creates or updates a pull request in Bitbucket.
  • Returns a list of the pull requests.
  • Creates, updates, or deletes a comment on an issue in Bitbucket.
  • Returns a list of comments on a specific issue.
  • Creates, updates or deletes a comment on a pull request.
  • Returns a list of comments of a specific pull request.
  • Returns a list of all the members in the workspace.

What does this pack do?

  • Returns a specific project or a list of projects in a workspace.
  • Returns a list of the open branches.
  • Returns the information of the requested branch.
  • Creates or deletes a branch in Bitbucket.
  • Creates a new commit in Bitbucket.
  • Returns a list of the commits in accordance with the included and excluded branches.
  • Deletes a given file from Bitbucket.
  • Returns the content of the given file, along with the option to download it.
  • Creates or updates an issue in Bitbucket.
  • Returns a specific issue or a list of all the issues, according to the limit parameter.
  • Creates or updates a pull request in Bitbucket.
  • Returns a list of the pull requests.
  • Creates, updates, or deletes a comment on an issue in Bitbucket.
  • Returns a list of comments on a specific issue.
  • Creates, updates or deletes a comment on a pull request.
  • Returns a list of comments of a specific pull request.
  • Returns a list of all the members in the workspace.



Cortex XSOARCortex XSIAM


CertificationRead more
Supported ByCortex
CreatedOctober 27, 2022
Last ReleaseJanuary 22, 2025

Content packs are licensed by the Publisher identified above and subject to the Publisher’s own licensing terms. Palo Alto Networks is not liable for and does not warrant or support any content pack produced by a third-party Publisher, whether or not such packs are designated as “Palo Alto Networks-certified” or otherwise.