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Cofense Intelligence v2

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Cofense Intelligence allows users to search for threat intelligence reports based on domains, IPs, email address, file hashes, URLs and extracted strings.

Cofense Intelligence is reliable, human-verified phishing intelligence for actionable defense and strategic planning. Cofense researchers track emerging trends in phishing, research active threats, and supplement highest-priority investigations. Consumers of the intelligence are confident knowing indicators were validated by Cofense prior to platform ingestion. Cofense Intelligence machine-readable threat intelligence is ingested into platforms to support automation along with human-readable reports to make informed decisions against today’s phishing attacks.

What does this pack do?

  • Ingests human-verified phishing intelligence with associated malware families
  • Correlates global phishing campaigns and indicators
  • Creates relationship between indicators as part of the reputation commands
  • Checks the reputation with impact ratings (Major, Moderate, Minor, None) of:
    • URLs
    • Domains
    • IP addresses
    • File hashes
    • Email addresses
    • Infrastructure type
  • Searches for strings associated with phishing attacks
  • Searches for the malware family, malware file and malware subject associated with phishing attacks
  • Links to human-readable reports for an explanation as to why indicators are a risk to business

Cofense Intelligence is reliable, human-verified phishing intelligence for actionable defense and strategic planning. Cofense researchers track emerging trends in phishing, research active threats, and supplement highest-priority investigations. Consumers of the intelligence are confident knowing indicators were validated by Cofense prior to platform ingestion. Cofense Intelligence machine-readable threat intelligence is ingested into platforms to support automation along with human-readable reports to make informed decisions against today’s phishing attacks.

What does this pack do?

  • Ingests human-verified phishing intelligence with associated malware families
  • Correlates global phishing campaigns and indicators
  • Creates relationship between indicators as part of the reputation commands
  • Checks the reputation with impact ratings (Major, Moderate, Minor, None) of:
    • URLs
    • Domains
    • IP addresses
    • File hashes
    • Email addresses
    • Infrastructure type
  • Searches for strings associated with phishing attacks
  • Searches for the malware family, malware file and malware subject associated with phishing attacks
  • Links to human-readable reports for an explanation as to why indicators are a risk to business



Cortex XSOARCortex XSIAM


CertificationRead more
Supported ByPartner
CreatedJuly 13, 2021
Last ReleaseMarch 26, 2025

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