Input Text Data to Encode as ASCII (Ignores any chars that aren't interpreted as ASCII)
Common Scripts
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Frequently used scripts pack.
Name | Description |
EncodeToAscii | |
ScheduleCommand | Schedule a command to run inside the war room at a future time (once or reoccurring) |
DBotClosedIncidentsPercentage | Data output script for populating dashboard pie graph widget with the percentage of incidents closed by DBot vs. incidents closed by analysts. |
enrich_exclude_button | This script is only meant to be used to disable the Enrich Excluded button in an indicator. It should not be used otherwise. |
GetIndicatorDBotScoreFromCache | Get the overall score for the indicator as calculated by DBot. |
DumpJSON | Dumps a json from context key input, and returns a json object string result |
EmailDomainSquattingReputation | Check if an email address's domain is trying to squat other domain using Levenshtein distance algorithm. |
GenerateSummaryReports | Generate report summaries for the passed incidents. |
UnEscapeIPs | Remove escaping chars from IP |
ReadQRCode | Extracts the text from a QR code. The output of this script includes the output of the script "extractIndicators" run on the text extracted from the QR code. |
ConvertXmlFileToJson | Converts XML file entry to JSON format |
emailFieldTriggered | Sends email to incident owner when selected field is triggered. |
ChangeRemediationSLAOnSevChange | Changes the remediation SLA once a change in incident severity occurs. |
Base64ListToFile | Converts Base64 file in a list to a binary file and upload to warroom |
Exists | Check if a given value exists in the context. Will return 'no' for empty empty arrays. To be used mostly with DQ and selectors. |
GenerateRandomString | Generates random string |
EmailAskUser | Ask a user a question via email and process the reply directly into the investigation. |
CertificateExtract | Extract fields from a certificate file and return the standard context. |
IncidentFields | Returns a dict of all incident fields that exist in the system. |
DBotUpdateLogoURLPhishing | Add, remove, or modify logos from the URL Phishing model. |
GetListRow | Parses a list by header and value. |
SearchIncidentsSummary | Searches Cortex XSOAR Incidents and returnrs the most relevant fields. Default search range is the last 30 days, if you want to change this, use the fromDate argument. Returns the id, name, type, severity, status, owner, and created/closed times to context. You can add additional fields using the add_field_to_context argument. This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. Based on the SearchIncidentsV2 from the Common Scripts pack, but more efficient. |
SetGridField | Creates a Grid table from items or key-value pairs. |
CompareIncidentsLabels | Compares the labels of two incidents. Returns the labels that are unique to each incident. This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. |
GenericPollingScheduledTask | Runs the polling command repeatedly, completes a blocking manual task when polling is done. |
IsTrue | Check if a given value is true. Will return 'no' otherwise |
GetEnabledInstances | Gets all currently enabled integration instances. |
PcapHTTPExtractor | Allows to parse and extract http flows (requests & responses) from a pcap/pcapng file. |
IsGreaterThan | Checks if one number(float) as bigger than the other(float) |
SetMultipleValues | Set multiple keys/values to the context. |
GenerateAsBuiltConfiguration | Generate a JSON file that can be downloaded and used to create the As-Built document for Cortex XSOAR. |
ExportIncidentsToCSV | This automation uses the Core REST API Integration to batch export Incidents to CSV and return the resulting CSV file to the war room. |
MarkAsNoteByTag | Mark entries as notes if they are tagged with given tag. |
GenerateRandomUUID | Generates a random UUID (UUID 4). |
ContextSearchForString | Searches for string in a path in context. If path is null, string will be searched in full context. |
listExecutedCommands | Lists executed commands in War Room |
StixCreator | Gets a list of indicators from the indicators argument, and generates a JSON file in STIX 2.1 format. |
Set | Set a value in context under the key you entered. |
IsInternalDomainName | This script accepts multiple values for both arguments and will iterate through each of the domains to check if the specified subdomains are located in at least one of the specified main domains. If the tested subdomain is in one of the main domains, the result will be true. For example, if the domain_to_check values are and apps.paloaltonetworks.bla and the domains_to_compare values are and, the result for will be true since it is a part of the domain. The result for apps.paloaltonetworks.bla will be false since it is not a part of the or domain. |
http | Sends http request. Returns the response as json. |
DisableUserWrapper | This script allows disabling a specified user using one or more of the following integrations: SailPointIdentityIQ, ActiveDirectoryQuery, Okta, MicrosoftGraphUser, and IAM. |
isError | Check whether given entry/entries returned an error. Use ${lastCompletedTaskEntries} to check the previous task entries. If array is provided, will return yes if one of the entries returned an error. |
ShowLocationOnMap | Show indicator geo location on map. |
AquatoneDiscoverV2 | aquatone-discover will find the targets nameservers and shuffle DNS lookups between them. Should a lookup fail on the target domains nameservers, aquatone-discover will fall back to using Google public DNS servers to maximize discovery. |
DomainReputation | A context script for Domain entities |
ContextGetPathForString | Searches for string in context and returns context path, returns null if not found. |
SetDateField | Sets a custom incident field with current date |
IdentifyAttachedEmail | Identify whether the incident includes an email message attached as an eml or msg file and return the answer to playbook. Also saves the identified entry ID to context for use for later. Commonly used in automated playbooks that handle phishing reports sent to a special phishing mailbox set up by the security team. |
PrintErrorEntry | Prints an error entry with a given message. |
CVSSCalculator | This script calculates the CVSS Base Score, Temporal Score, and Environmental Score using either the CVSS 3.0 or CVSS 3.1 calculator according to calculation documentation. |
ChangeContext | Enables changing context in two ways. The first is to capitalize the first letter of each key in following level of the context key entered. The second is to change context keys to new values. |
CompareLists | Compare two lists and put the differences in context. |
RunPollingCommand | Runs a specified polling command one time. This is useful for initiating a local playbook context before running a polling scheduled task. This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. |
ExtractHTMLTables | Find tables inside HTML and extract the contents into objects using the following logic:
ConvertDatetoUTC | Converts a date from a different timezone to UTC timezone. |
Base64EncodeV2 | Encodes an input to Base64 format. |
CreateNewIndicatorsOnly | Create indicators to the Threat Intel database only if they are not registered. All submitted indicators will be associated with the parent incident. When using the script with many indicators, or when the Threat Intel Management database is highly populated, this script may have low performance issue. |
SetIndicatorGridField | This script updates an indicator's grid field in Cortex XSOAR with provided row data. You can input the rows directly or extract them from the context. |
CopyContextToField | Copy a context key to an incident field of multiple incidents, based on an incident query. This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. |
ExtractAttackPattern | Extract Attack Pattern Threat Intel Object. After auto extract extracts the Attack Pattern IDs, this script is executed and extracts the value (name) of the Attack Pattern. |
ExtractDomainFromUrlAndEmail | Extract Domain(s) from URL(s) and/or Email(s). |
FailedInstances | Executes a test for all integration instances available and returns detailed information about succeeded and failed integration instances. |
UnEscapeURLs | Extract URLs redirected by security tools like Proofpoint. |
VerifyJSON | Verifies if the supplied JSON string is valid and optionally verifies against a provided schema. The script utilizes Powershell's Test-JSON cmdlet. |
FileReputation | A context script for hash entities. |
GetTime | Retrieves the current date and time. |
commentsToContext | Takes the comments of a given entry ID and stores them in the incident context, under a provided context key. |
CEFParser | Parse CEF data into the context. Please notice that outputs will display only the 7 mandatory fields even if the CEF event includes many other custom or extended fields. |
ContainsCreditCardInfo | Check if a given value is true. Will return 'no' otherwise |
ContextGetEmails | Gets all email addresses in context, excluding ones given. |
CalculateEntropy | Calculates the entropy for the given data. |
PositiveDetectionsVSDetectionEngines | Shows a bar chart of the number of Positive Detections out of overall detections |
FilterByList | Checks whether the specified item is in a list. The default list is the Demisto Indicators Whitelist. |
CheckContextValue | This script checks that a context key exists (and contains data), and optionally checks the value of the context key for a match against an input value. If a regex is not supplied, the script checks that the key is not empty. This script can be used with the "GenericPolling" playbook to poll for field population or that a field contains a specific value. This scripts does not support a context key which holds a list of values. |
CalculateTimeDifference | Calculate the time difference, in minutes |
PopulateCriticalAssets | Populates critical assets in a grid field that has the section headers "Asset Type" and "Asset Name". |
TopMaliciousRatioIndicators | Find the top malicious ratio indicators. |
AreValuesEqual | Check whether the values provided in arguments are equal. If either of the arguments are missing, no is returned. |
JSONFileToCSV | Script to convert a War Room output JSON File to a CSV file. |
CheckSenderDomainDistance | Get the string distance for the sender from our domain |
ticksToTime | Converting time in Ticks to readable time. Ticks are used to represent time by some vendors, most commonly by Microsoft. |
ConvertCountryCodeCountryName | Convert country name to country code or country code to country name. |
ReadPDFFileV2 | Load a PDF file's content and metadata into context. Supports extraction of hashes, urls, and emails when available. |
IPNetwork | Gather information regarding CIDR - |
SSDeepSimilarity | This script finds similar files that can be related to each other by fuzzy hash (SSDeep). |
GetInstances | Returns integration instances configured in Cortex XSOAR. You can filter by instance status and/or brand name (vendor). |
ArrayToCSV | Converts a simple Array into a textual comma separated string |
IsEmailAddressInternal | Checks if the email address is part of the internal domains. |
GridFieldSetup | Automation used to more easily populate a grid field. This is necessary when you want to assign certain values as static or if you have context paths that you will assign to different values as well. Instead of a value you can enter |
MatchRegex | Deprecated. Use the MatchRegexV2 script instead. |
VerifyCIDR | Verify that the CIDRs are valid. |
SetAndHandleEmpty | Set a value in context under the key you entered. If no value is entered, the script doesn't do anything. This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. |
DisplayHTML | Display HTML in the War Room. |
PublishEntriesToContext | Publish entries to incident's context |
CloseInvestigationAsDuplicate | Close the current investigation as duplicate to other investigation. |
CreateArray | Will create an array object in context from given string input |
ListUsedDockerImages | List all Docker images that are in use by the installed integrations and automations. |
IsValueInArray | Indicates whether a given value is a member of given array |
MarkRelatedIncidents | Marks given incidents as related to current incident. This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. |
GetLicenseID | Returns the license ID. |
findIncidentsWithIndicator | Lookup incidents with specified indicator. Use currentIncidentId to omit the existing incident from output. This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. |
AppendindicatorFieldWrapper | A wrapper script to the 'AppendindicatorField' script that enables adding tags to certain indicators. |
URLReputation | A context script for URL entities. |
ParseExcel | The automation takes Excel file (entryID) as an input and parses its content to the war room and context. |
CountArraySize | Count an array size |
IsIPPrivate | The script takes one or more IP addresses and checks whether they're in the private IP ranges defined in the PrivateIPsListName argument. By default, the PrivateIPsListName argument will use the Cortex XSOAR list called "PrivateIPs".
LinkIncidentsWithRetry | Use this script to avoid DB version errors when simultaneously running multiple linked incidents. |
EditServerConfig | Edit the server configuration (under settings/troubleshooting). You can either add a new configuration or update and remove an existing one. |
UnPackFile | Deprecated. Use the UnzipFile script instead. UnPack a file using fileName or entryID to specify a file. Files unpacked will be pushed to the war room and names will be pushed to the context. |
CreateEmailHtmlBody | This script allows sending an HTML email, using a template stored as a list item under Lists (Settings -> Advanced -> Lists).
Note: Sending emails require an active Mail Sender integration instance. |
IsListExist | Check if list exist in demisto lists. |
NumberOfPhishingAttemptPerUser | Shows a bar chart of the number of incident the 'To' and 'From' email addresses. This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. |
AddKeyToList | Adds/Replaces a key in key/value store backed by an XSOAR list. |
SearchIncidentsV2 | Searches Demisto incidents. A summarized version of this scrips is avilable with the summarizedversion argument. This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. |
HTTPListRedirects | List the redirects for a given URL |
ExportToXLSX | Exports context data to a Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet (XLSX) file. |
ContextFilter | Filter context keys by applying one of the various available manipulations and storing in a new context key. Please notice that the resulting context key will not be available automatically as an option but you can still specify it. |
ConvertTableToHTML | Converts a given array to an HTML table |
ExportAuditLogsToFile | Uses the Core REST API integration to query the server audit trail logs, and return back a CSV or JSON file. |
MaliciousRatioReputation | Set indicator reputation to "suspicious" when malicious ratio is above threshold. |
JsonUnescape | Recursively un-escapes JSON data if escaped JSON is found |
ConvertXmlToJson | Converts XML string to JSON format |
RemoteExec | Execute a command on a remote machine (without installing a D2 agent) |
SetTime | Fill the current time in a custom incident field |
LoadJSONFileToContext | Loads a JSON file from the war room to context. |
DisplayHTMLWithImages | Display HTML with embedded images. |
ParseEmailFiles | Deprecated. Use ParseEmailFilesV2 instead." Parse an email from an eml or msg file and populate all relevant context data to investigate the email. Also extracts inner attachments and returns them to the war room. The incident labels themselves are preserved and not modified - only the "Label/x" context items that originated from the labels, and the best practice is to rely on these for the remainder of the playbook. |
LinkIncidentsButton | Incident action button script to link or unlink Incidents from an Incident |
ParseHTMLIndicators | This script will extract indicators from given HTML and will handle bad top-level domains to avoid false positives caused by file extensions. |
IsInternalHostName | Checks if the supplied hostnames match either the organization's internal naming convention or the domain suffix. |
checkValue | Gets a value and return it. This is to be used in playbook conditional tasks - get a value from incident field, label or context, and act accordingly. |
LessThanPercentage | Checks if one percentage is less than another |
AssignAnalystToIncident | Assign analyst to incident. |
DownloadAndArchivePythonLibrary | The script downloads a Python library using PIP, archives it, and returns the file to the war room. |
SSDeepReputation | Calculate ssdeep reputation based on similar files (by ssdeep similarity) on the system. |
ShowScheduledEntries | Show all scheduled entries for specific incident. |
ExposeIncidentOwner | Expose the incident owner into IncidentOwner context key |
GetByIncidentId | Gets a value from the specified incident's context. |
VerdictResult | This widget displays the incident verdict or the alert verdict based on the 'incident.verdict' or 'alert.verdict' field. |
SetWithTemplate | Set a value built by a template in context under the key you entered. |
MarkAsEvidenceByTag | Mark entries as evidence if they are tagged with given tag |
PCAPMiner | Deprecated. Use PCAPMinerV2 instead. PCAPMiner is a tool to parse PCAP files and will return things like extracted files that are found, HTTP flows, and a variety of other information. It is uses a docker instance located on docker hub trorabaugh/dempcap:1.0. To use simply upload a PCAP file and then run PCAPMiner entryId="<your_entry_id>". To get the entry id click on the link on the top right hand corner of a file attachment. |
GetServerURL | Get the Server URL. |
ExtractIndicatorsFromTextFile | Extract indicators from a text-based file.
This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. |
ContextGetIps | Gets all IP addresses in context, excluding ones given. |
displayUtilitiesResults | This script displays the execution results of the tab's buttons in an HTML table format. |
displayMappedFields | Display the mapped fields in a dynamic-section. |
ResolveShortenedURL | This script resolves the original URL from a given shortened URL and places the resolved URL in the playbook context and output. |
CheckIndicatorValue | Check if indicators exist in the Threat Intel database. |
LookupCSV | Parses a CSV and looks for a specific value in a specific column, returning a dict of the entire matching row. If no column value is specified, the entire CSV is read into the context. |
GenerateAsBuilt | Generate an as built document, as HTML, based on the running XSOAR instance. Requires an instance of the Demisto API integration configured. |
DeleteContext | Delete field from context. This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. |
AddDBotScoreToContext | Add DBot score to context for indicators with custom vendor, score, reliability, and type. |
MathUtil | Script will run the provided mathematical action on 2 provided values and produce a result. |
ZipStrings | Joins values from two lists by index according to a given format. |
UnzipFile | Unzip a file using fileName or entryID to specify a file. Unzipped files will be loaded to the War Room and names will be put into the context. |
IncreaseIncidentSeverity | Optionally increases the incident severity to the new value if it is greater than the existing severity. |
IsolationAssetWrapper | This is a wrapper to isolate or unisolate hash lists from Cortex XDR, MSDE or CrowdStrike (Available from Cortex XSOAR 6.0.0). |
ReplaceMatchGroup | Returns a string with all matches of a regex pattern groups replaced by a replacement. |
CheckFieldValue | This script checks that a field exists (and contains data), and optionally checks the value of the field for a match against an input value. If a regex is not supplied, the script checks that the field is not empty. This script can be used with the "GenericPolling" playbook to poll for field population or that a field contains a specific value. |
WordTokenizer | Deprecated. Use DBotPreProcessTextData instead. |
URLSSLVerification | Verify URL SSL certificate |
ExtractIndicatorsFromWordFile | Used to extract indicators from Word files (DOC, DOCX). This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. |
MatchRegexV2 | Extracts regex data from the provided text. The script support groups and looping. |
ServerLogs_docker | Uses the ssh integration to grab the host server logs. |
StopScheduledTask | This stops the scheduled task whose ID is given in the taskID argument. |
BMCTool | Parse RDP bitmap cache data into a single collage image file. |
NotInContextVerification | Not in context verification is a script that executes the given command and verifies that the specified field is not in the context after execution. |
ParseCSV | This script will parse a CSV file and place the unique IPs, Domains and Hashes into the context. |
ServerLogs | Uses the ssh integration to grab the host server logs. |
VerifyIPv6Indicator | Verify that the address is a valid IPv6 address. |
BreachConfirmationHTML | |
IPReputation | A context script for IP entities. |
ParseWordDoc | Takes an input docx file (entryID) as an input and saves an output text file (file entry) with the original file's contents. |
ScheduleGenericPolling | Called by the GenericPolling playbook, schedules the polling task. |
PDFUnlocker | Removing the password protection from a PDF file and adding a new file entry with the unlocked PDF. |
SendMessageToOnlineUsers | Send message to Demisto online users over Email, Slack, Mattermost or all. |
Ping | Pings an IP or url address, to verify it's up. Note - On Cortex XSOAR 8 and Cortex XSIAM, the script can run only on a custom engine. |
OnionURLReputation | This script adds the reputation to Onion URL indicators. The script is automatically triggered when a Onion URL indicator is auto-extracted. For instance, if you run a Cortex XSOAR CLI on a valid Onion URL, the indicators are extracted automatically and this script is triggered for the extracted indicators. |
SCPPullFiles | Take a list of devices and pull a specific file (given by path) from each using SCP. |
IncidentAddSystem | Add a remote system (such as a desktop under investigation) to an investigation (this will allow you to install and agent on the system) |
TimeStampCompare | Compares a single timestamp to a list of timestamps. |
ShowOnMap | Returns a map entry with a marker on the given coordinates (lat,lng), or address (requires a configured GoogleMaps instance). |
SearchIndicator | Searches Cortex XSOAR Indicators. Search for XSOAR Indicators and returns the id, indicator_type, value, and score/verdict. You can add additional fields from the indicators using the add_field_to_context argument. |
ExportToCSV | Export given array to csv file. |
GetFieldsByIncidentType | Returns the incident field names associated to the specified incident type. |
DBotAverageScore | The script calculates the average DBot score for each indicator in the context. |
CreateHash | Creating a hash of a given input, support sha1, sha256, sha512, md5 and blake. Wrapper for |
RunDockerCommand | This command will allow you to run commands against a local Docker Container. You can run commands like wc for instance with word count, or other types of commands that you want on the docker container. We recommend for tools that you want to use that are not part of the default Docker container, to cope this Automation script and then create a customer docker container with /docker_image_create with a custom docker container to add any command level tool to Demisto and output the results directly to the context. |
ExportContextToJSONFile | Exports the Context for the current Incident to a JSON file in the war room. |
ContextGetHashes | Gets hashes (MD5,SHA1,SHA256) from context. |
FileCreateAndUpload | Deprecated. Use FileCreateAndUploadV2 instead. Will create a file (using the given data input or entry ID) and upload it to current investigation war room. |
EmailReputation | A context script for Email entities. |
DemistoVersion | Return the Demisto server version. |
hideFieldsOnNewIncident | When you apply this script to an incident field, that incident field is hidden for new incidents, and it displays in edit mode. |
DeduplicateValuesbyKey | Given a list of objects and a key found in each of those objects, return a unique list of values associated with that key. Returns error if the objects provided do not contain the key of interest. |
GetStringsDistance | Get the string distance between inputString and compareString (compareString can be a comma-separated list) based on Levenshtein Distance algorithm. |
URLNumberOfAds | Fetches the numbers of ads in the given url. |
Base64Encode | Will encode an input using Base64 format. |
StringLength | Returns the length of the string passed as argument |
RepopulateFiles | After running DeleteContext, this script can repopulate all the file entries in the ${File} context key |
DockerHardeningCheck | Checks if the Docker container running this script has been hardened according to the recommended settings at: |
Sleep | Sleep for X seconds. |
GenerateInvestigationSummaryReport | A script to generate investigation summary report in an automated way |
MapValues | Map the given values to the translated values. If given values: a,b,c and translated: 1,2,3 then input is a will return 1 |
ExportIndicatorsToCSV | This automation uses the Core REST API Integration to batch export Indicators to CSV and return the resulting CSV file to the war room. |
FileCreateAndUploadV2 | Creates a file (using the given data input or entry ID) and uploads it to the current investigation War Room. |
ExtractHyperlinksFromOfficeFiles | Extracts hyperlinks from office files. Supported file types are: xlsx, docx, pptx. |
PrintRaw | Prints a raw representation of a string or object, visualising things likes tabs and newlines. For instance, '\n' will be displayed instead of a newline character, or a Windows CR will be displayed as '\r\n'. This is useful for debugging issues where things aren't behaving as expected, such as when parsing a string with a regular expression. |
RemoveKeyFromList | Removes a key in key/value store backed by an XSOAR list. |
IsUrlPartOfDomain | Checks if the supplied URLs are in the specified domains. |
IsDomainInternal | The script takes one or more domain names and checks whether they're in the Cortex XSOAR list defined in the InternalDomainsListName argument. By default, the InternalDomainsListName argument will use the Cortex XSOAR list called "InternalDomains". |
Dig | DNS lookup utility to provide 'A' and 'PTR' record |
CopyNotesToIncident | Copy all entries marked as notes from current incident to another incident. |
FormatURL | Strips, unquotes and unescapes URLs. If the URL is a Proofpoint or ATP URL, extracts its redirect URL. If more than one URL is passed to the formatter, the separator must be a pipe ("|"). |
StringSimilarity | This automation calculates the similarity ratio between every string in 2 different arrays and outputs a decimal value between 0.0 and 1.0 (1.0 if the sequences are identical, and 0.0 if they don't have anything in common). |
GetErrorsFromEntry | Get the error(s) associated with a given entry/entries. Use ${lastCompletedTaskEntries} to check the previous task entries. The automation will return an array of the error contents from those entries. |
cvss_color | This dynamic automation parses the CVSS score of a CVE and presents it in the layout in color according to its score. |
GetIndicatorDBotScore | Add into the incident's context the system internal DBot score for the input indicator. |
IPToHost | Try to get the hostname correlated with the input IP. |
ToTable | Convert an array to a nice table display. Usually, from the context. |
ConvertFile | Converts a file from one format to a different format by using the convert-to function of Libre Office. For a list of supported input/output formats see: |
GetEntries | Collect entries matching to the conditions in the war room. |
StopTimeToAssignOnOwnerChange | Stops the "Time To Assign" timer if the owner of the incident was changed. |
JSONtoCSV | Convert a JSON War Room output via EntryID to a CSV file. |
DecodeMimeHeader | Decode MIME base64 headers. |
ParseEmailFilesV2 | Parse an email from an eml or msg file and populate all relevant context data to investigate the email. Also extracts inner attachments and returns them to the war room. The incident labels themselves are preserved and not modified - only the "Label/x" context items that originated from the labels, and the best practice is to rely on these for the remainder of the playbook. This script is based on the parse-emails XSOAR python package, check the script documentation for more info. |
PortListenCheck | Checks whether a port was open on given host. |
clear-user-session | This script clears user sessions across multiple integrations for a list of usernames. |
PrettyPrint | Pretty-print data using Python's pprint library. This is useful for seeing the structure of incident and context data. Here's how to use it: !PrettyPrint value=${incident} |
AddEvidence | Adds provided entries to the incident Evidence Board. In playbook, can be positioned after a task to add the previous task's entries to Evidence Board automatically (with no need to provide arguments) |
AnalyzeTimestampIntervals | Analyze a list of Unix timestamps in milliseconds, to detect simple patterns of consistency or high frequency. The script can aid in the investigation of multi-event alerts that contain a list of timestamps. |
ContentPackInstaller | Content packs installer from marketplace. |
GetDuplicatesMlv2 | Deprecated. Use the "PhishingDedupPreprocessingRule" script instead. This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. |
ContextContains | This script searches for a value in a context path. |
CertificateReputation | Enrich and calculate the reputation of a certificate indicator. |
CreateIndicatorsFromSTIX | Creates indicators from the submitted STIX file. Supports STIX 1.0 and STIX 2.x. This automation creates indicators and adds an indicator's relationships if available. |
StringReplace | Replaces regex match/es in string. |
ExtractEmailV2 | Verifies that an email address is valid and only returns the address if it is valid. |
IsMaliciousIndicatorFound | Checks if the investigation found any malicious indicators (file, URL, IP address, domain, or email). Returns "yes" if at least one malicious indicator is found. |
GetDataCollectionLink | Generates the URL for a Data Collection Task into Context. Can be used to get the url for tasks send via Email, Slack, or even if you select "By Task Only". To generate links for specific users, add an array of users in the users argument. |
ExifRead | Read image files metadata and provide Exif tags. |
EmailAskUserResponse | Extract user's response from EmailAskUser reply. Returns the first textual response line of the provided entry that contains the reply body. Use ${lastCompletedTaskEntries} to analyze the previous playbook task containing the user's reply. |
TextFromHTML | Extract regular text from the given HTML. |
FileToBase64List | Encode a file as base64 and store it in a Demisto list. |
SendEmailOnSLABreach | Sends an email informing the user of an SLA breach. The email is sent to the user who is assigned to the incident. It includes the incident name, ID, name of the SLA field that was breached, duration of that SLA field, and the date and time when that SLA was started. |
PrintContext | Pretty-print the contents of the playbook context. |
HTMLtoMD | Converts HTML to Markdown. |
FindSimilarIncidents | Deprecated. Use DBotFindSimilarIncidents instead. Finds similar incidents by common incident keys, labels, custom fields or context keys. This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. |
ReadFile | Load the contents of a file into context. |
ProvidesCommand | Finds which integrations implement a specific Demisto command. The results will be returned as comma-separated values (CSV). The "Core REST API" integration must first be enabled. |
ParseYAML | Parses a YAML string into context |
ShowIncidentIndicators | This script is used to display the indicators of an incident in an incident field of type Array. It can be used to select indicators from the incident in order to later perform some actions, like tagging the indicators for blocking via EDL. |
GetDockerImageLatestTag | Gets docker image latest tag. Script simulates the docker pull flow but doesn't actually pull the image. Returns an entry with the docker image latest tag if all is good, otherwise will return an error. |
BinarySearchPy | Deprecated. No available replacement. Search for a binary on an endpoint using Carbon Black |
LoadJSON | Loads a json from string input, and returns a json object result. |
HttpV2 | Sends a HTTP request with advanced capabilities |
get-user-data | This script gathers user data from multiple integrations and returns an Account entity with consolidated information to the context. |
UtilAnyResults | Utility script to use in playbooks - returns "yes" if the input is non-empty. |
PreProcessImage | This script pre-processes (resizes, sharpens, and grayscales) an image file from context, given an entry_id. |
FeedRelatedIndicatorsWidget | Widget script to view information about the relationship between an indicator, entity and other indicators and connect to indicators, if relevant. |
IndicatorMaliciousRatioCalculation | Return indicators appears in resolved incidents, and resolved incident ids. This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. |
ZipFile | Zip a file and upload to war room. |
GetDomainDNSDetails | Returns DNS details for a domain. |
cveReputationV2 | Provides the severity of the CVE based on the CVSS score where available. |
SetByIncidentId | Works the same as the 'Set' command, but can work across incidents by specifying 'id' as an argument. This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. |
IsIntegrationAvailable | Returns 'yes' if integration brand is available. Otherwise returns 'no'. |
ExtractFQDNFromUrlAndEmail | Extracts FQDNs from URLs and emails. |
ExampleJSScript | This is only an example script, to showcase how to use and write JavaScript scripts |
Prints text to war room (Markdown supported) | |
IsIPInRanges | Returns yes if the IP is in one of the ranges provided, returns no otherwise. |
ExtractDomainAndFQDNFromUrlAndEmail | Extracts domains and FQDNs from URLs and emails. |
AssignToMeButton | Assigns the current Incident to the Cortex XSOAR user who clicked the button |
Strings | Extract strings from a file with optional filter - similar to binutils strings command |
LanguageDetect | Language detection based on Google's language-detection. |
GenerateSummaryReportButton | This button will generate summary 'Case Report' template for a given Incident |
ConvertTimezoneFromUTC | Takes UTC and converts it to the specified timezone. Format must match the UTC date's format and output will be the same format. Can use in conjunction with ConvertDateToString |
GeneratePassword | This function generates a password and allows various parameters to customize the properties of the password depending on the use case (e.g. password complexity requirements). The default behavior is to generate a password of random length including all four character classes (upper, lower, digits, symbols) with at least five and at most ten characters per class. The min_* values all default to 0. This means that if the command is executed in this way: The debug parameter will print certain properties of the command into the WarRoom for easy diagnostics. |
FetchIndicatorsFromFile | Fetches indicators from a file. Supports TXT, XLS, XLSX, CSV, DOC and DOCX file types. |
Name | Description |
Company Postal Code | |
Management Notification | |
Other PII data breached | Is other PII data breached |
Affected data | "‘personal data’ means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person;" - GDPR Art. 4 |
PII Data Type | |
Attorney General Notification | |
Telephone no. | |
Unique biometric data breached | Is unique biometric data breached |
Company has Insurance for the Breach | |
Account information breached | Is account information breached |
Company Address | |
Company Country | |
Health insurance breached | Is health insurance breached |
Is the Data Subject to DPIA | |
Company Name | |
Resident Notification Option | |
Measures to Mitigate | " (d) describe the measures taken or proposed to be taken by the controller to address the personal data breach, including, where appropriate, measures to mitigate its possible adverse effects." - GDPR Art. 33 |
E-mail Address | |
Where is data hosted | |
Malicious Cause (If the cause is a malicious attack) | |
Breach Confirmation | Is the DPO confirm the breach |
Size - number of employees | |
Affected Individuals Contact Information | |
Contact Address | |
Postal Code | |
DPO E-mail Address | |
Possible Cause of the Breach | |
Date/time of the breach | |
State CISO Notification | |
Unique identification number breached | Is unique identification number breached |
Contact Email address | |
Contact Telephone number | |
Financial information breached | Is financial information breached |
DPO Notification | |
Consumer Reporting Agencies Notification | |
Sector of Affected Party | |
Secretary Notification | |
GDPR Notify Authorities | "In the case of a personal data breach, the controller shall without undue delay and, where feasible, not later than 72 hours after having become aware of it, notify the personal data breach to the supervisory authority competent in accordance with Article 55, unless the personal data breach is unlikely to result in a risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons." - GDPR Art. 33 |
Medical Information breached | Is Medical Information breached |
Country where business has its main establishment | "‘main establishment’ means: as regards a controller with establishments in more than one Member State, the place of its central administration in the Union, unless the decisions on the purposes and means of the processing of personal data are taken in another establishment of the controller in the Union and the latter establishment has the power to have such decisions implemented, in which case the establishment having taken such decisions is to be considered to be the main establishment; as regards a processor with establishments in more than one Member State, the place of its central administration in the Union, or, if the processor has no central administration in the Union, the establishment of the processor in the Union where the main processing activities in the context of the activities of an establishment of the processor take place to the extent that the processor is subject to specific obligations under this Regulation;" - GDPR Art. 4 |
Approximate number of affected data subjects | |
Contact Name | |
Media Notification | The status of the media notification |
Individuals Notification | |
State where the breach took place | |
Residents Email Address | |
Country where the breach took place | |
Size - turnover | |
Likely Impact | "A data protection impact assessment (…) shall in particular be required in the case of: (a) a systematic and extensive evaluation of personal aspects relating to natural persons which is based on automated processing, including profiling, and on which decisions are based that produce legal effects concerning the natural person or similarly significantly affect the natural person; (b) processing on a large scale of special categories of data referred to in Article 9(1), or of personal data relating to criminal convictions and offences referred to in Article 10; or (c) a systematic monitoring of a publicly accessible area on a large scale. - GDPR Art. 35 |
Affected Data Type | |
Data Encryption Status | |
Company City |
Name | Description |
PrivateIPs | |
InternalDomains |
Name | Description |
VerifyIPv6Indicator | Verify that the address is a valid IPv6 address. |
CalculateEntropy | Calculates the entropy for the given data. |
PcapHTTPExtractor | Allows to parse and extract http flows (requests & responses) from a pcap/pcapng file. |
FailedInstances | Executes a test for all integration instances available and returns detailed information about succeeded and failed integration instances. |
GetFieldsByIncidentType | Returns the incident field names associated to the specified incident type. |
GetFieldsByAlertType | Returns the alert field names associated to the specified alert type. |
IsUrlPartOfDomain | Checks if the supplied URLs are in the specified domains. |
PrintRaw | Prints a raw representation of a string or object, visualising things likes tabs and newlines. For instance, '\n' will be displayed instead of a newline character, or a Windows CR will be displayed as '\r\n'. This is useful for debugging issues where things aren't behaving as expected, such as when parsing a string with a regular expression. |
ExtractHyperlinksFromOfficeFiles | Extracts hyperlinks from office files. Supported file types are: xlsx, docx, pptx. |
ContextContains | This script searches for a value in a context path. |
DeleteContext | Delete field from context. This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. |
SearchIndicator | Searches Cortex XSIAM Indicators. Search for XSOAR Indicators and returns the id, indicator_type, value, and score/verdict. You can add additional fields from the indicators using the add_field_to_context argument. |
MapValues | Map the given values to the translated values. If given values: a,b,c and translated: 1,2,3 then input is a will return 1 |
JSONtoCSV | Convert a JSON War Room output via EntryID to a CSV file. |
ExtractIndicatorsFromWordFile | Used to extract indicators from Word files (DOC, DOCX). This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. |
PCAPMiner | Deprecated. Use PCAPMinerV2 instead. PCAPMiner is a tool to parse PCAP files and will return things like extracted files that are found, HTTP flows, and a variety of other information. It is uses a docker instance located on docker hub trorabaugh/dempcap:1.0. To use simply upload a PCAP file and then run PCAPMiner entryId="<your_entry_id>". To get the entry id click on the link on the top right hand corner of a file attachment. |
WordTokenizer | Deprecated. Use DBotPreProcessTextData instead. |
CertificateExtract | Extract fields from a certificate file and return the standard context. |
ScheduleGenericPolling | Called by the GenericPolling playbook, schedules the polling task. |
GetIndicatorDBotScoreFromCache | Get the overall score for the indicator as calculated by DBot. |
PositiveDetectionsVSDetectionEngines | Shows a bar chart of the number of Positive Detections out of overall detections |
ZipStrings | Joins values from two lists by index according to a given format. |
ConvertDatetoUTC | Converts a date from a different timezone to UTC timezone. |
Dig | DNS lookup utility to provide 'A' and 'PTR' record |
CopyNotesToIncident | Copy all entries marked as notes from current incident to another incident. |
CopyNotesToAlert | Copy all entries marked as notes from current alert to another alert. |
clear-user-session | This script clears user sessions across multiple integrations for a list of usernames. |
ParseExcel | The automation takes Excel file (entryID) as an input and parses its content to the war room and context. |
ExportToXLSX | Exports context data to a Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet (XLSX) file. |
ContainsCreditCardInfo | Check if a given value is true. Will return 'no' otherwise |
Ping | Pings an IP or url address, to verify it's up. Note - On Cortex XSIAM 8 and Cortex XSIAM, the script can run only on a custom engine. |
displayMappedFields | Display the mapped fields in a dynamic-section. |
EditServerConfig | Edit the server configuration (under settings/troubleshooting). You can either add a new configuration or update and remove an existing one. |
StringSimilarity | This automation calculates the similarity ratio between every string in 2 different arrays and outputs a decimal value between 0.0 and 1.0 (1.0 if the sequences are identical, and 0.0 if they don't have anything in common). |
get-user-data | This script gathers user data from multiple integrations and returns an Account entity with consolidated information to the context. |
cvss_color | This dynamic automation parses the CVSS score of a CVE and presents it in the layout in color according to its score. |
IsListExist | Check if list exist in demisto lists. |
ConvertXmlFileToJson | Converts XML file entry to JSON format |
ToTable | Convert an array to a nice table display. Usually, from the context. |
ExportAuditLogsToFile | Uses the Core REST API integration to query the server audit trail logs, and return back a CSV or JSON file. |
ExportIncidentsToCSV | This automation uses the Core REST API Integration to batch export Incidents to CSV and return the resulting CSV file to the war room. |
ExportAlertsToCSV | This automation uses the Core REST API Integration to batch export Alerts to CSV and return the resulting CSV file to the war room. |
DisplayHTMLWithImages | Display HTML with embedded images. |
PrintContext | Pretty-print the contents of the playbook context. |
displayUtilitiesResults | This script displays the execution results of the tab's buttons in an HTML table format. |
GetServerURL | Get the Server URL. |
ServerLogs_docker | Uses the ssh integration to grab the host server logs. |
ReadPDFFileV2 | Load a PDF file's content and metadata into context. Supports extraction of hashes, urls, and emails when available. |
IdentifyAttachedEmail | Identify whether the incident includes an email message attached as an eml or msg file and return the answer to playbook. Also saves the identified entry ID to context for use for later. Commonly used in automated playbooks that handle phishing reports sent to a special phishing mailbox set up by the security team. |
CreateIndicatorsFromSTIX | Creates indicators from the submitted STIX file. Supports STIX 1.0 and STIX 2.x. This automation creates indicators and adds an indicator's relationships if available. |
ListUsedDockerImages | List all Docker images that are in use by the installed integrations and automations. |
EmailAskUser | Ask a user a question via email and process the reply directly into the investigation. |
JsonUnescape | Recursively un-escapes JSON data if escaped JSON is found |
CreateArray | Will create an array object in context from given string input |
DownloadAndArchivePythonLibrary | The script downloads a Python library using PIP, archives it, and returns the file to the war room. |
DockerHardeningCheck | Checks if the Docker container running this script has been hardened according to the recommended settings at: |
SetByIncidentId | Works the same as the 'Set' command, but can work across incidents by specifying 'id' as an argument. This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. |
SetByAlertId | Works the same as the 'Set' command, but can work across alerts by specifying 'id' as an argument. This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. |
EmailReputation | A context script for Email entities. |
EmailDomainSquattingReputation | Check if an email address's domain is trying to squat other domain using Levenshtein distance algorithm. |
Strings | Extract strings from a file with optional filter - similar to binutils strings command |
VerifyCIDR | Verify that the CIDRs are valid. |
PreProcessImage | This script pre-processes (resizes, sharpens, and grayscales) an image file from context, given an entry_id. |
Sleep | Sleep for X seconds. |
enrich_exclude_button | This script is only meant to be used to disable the Enrich Excluded button in an indicator. It should not be used otherwise. |
SetDateField | Sets a custom incident field with current date |
MarkAsEvidenceByTag | Mark entries as evidence if they are tagged with given tag |
NotInContextVerification | Not in context verification is a script that executes the given command and verifies that the specified field is not in the context after execution. |
ExtractFQDNFromUrlAndEmail | Extracts FQDNs from URLs and emails. |
CloseInvestigationAsDuplicate | Close the current investigation as duplicate to other investigation. |
Base64Encode | Will encode an input using Base64 format. |
IndicatorMaliciousRatioCalculation | Return indicators appears in resolved incidents, and resolved incident ids. This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. |
ExtractDomainFromUrlAndEmail | Extract Domain(s) from URL(s) and/or Email(s). |
CopyContextToField | Copy a context key to an incident field of multiple incidents, based on an incident query. This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. |
ParseHTMLIndicators | This script will extract indicators from given HTML and will handle bad top-level domains to avoid false positives caused by file extensions. |
ExampleJSScript | This is only an example script, to showcase how to use and write JavaScript scripts |
CreateEmailHtmlBody | This script allows sending an HTML email, using a template stored as a list item under Lists (Settings -> Advanced -> Lists).
Note: Sending emails require an active Mail Sender integration instance. |
FeedRelatedIndicatorsWidget | Widget script to view information about the relationship between an indicator, entity and other indicators and connect to indicators, if relevant. |
IsolationAssetWrapper | This is a wrapper to isolate or unisolate hash lists from Cortex XDR, MSDE or CrowdStrike (Available from Cortex XSIAM 6.0.0). |
GetListRow | Parses a list by header and value. |
ExifRead | Read image files metadata and provide Exif tags. |
ticksToTime | Converting time in Ticks to readable time. Ticks are used to represent time by some vendors, most commonly by Microsoft. |
hideFieldsOnNewIncident | When you apply this script to an incident field, that incident field is hidden for new incidents, and it displays in edit mode. |
hideFieldsOnNewAlert | When you apply this script to an alert field, that alert field is hidden for new alerts, and it displays in edit mode. |
IsMaliciousIndicatorFound | Checks if the investigation found any malicious indicators (file, URL, IP address, domain, or email). Returns "yes" if at least one malicious indicator is found. |
CheckIndicatorValue | Check if indicators exist in the Threat Intel database. |
cveReputationV2 | Provides the severity of the CVE based on the CVSS score where available. |
UtilAnyResults | Utility script to use in playbooks - returns "yes" if the input is non-empty. |
TextFromHTML | Extract regular text from the given HTML. |
listExecutedCommands | Lists executed commands in War Room |
EncodeToAscii | Input Text Data to Encode as ASCII (Ignores any chars that aren't interpreted as ASCII) |
ShowLocationOnMap | Show indicator geo location on map. |
GetDuplicatesMlv2 | Deprecated. Use the "PhishingDedupPreprocessingRule" script instead. This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. |
AddEvidence | Adds provided entries to the incident Evidence Board. In playbook, can be positioned after a task to add the previous task's entries to Evidence Board automatically (with no need to provide arguments) |
ServerLogs | Uses the ssh integration to grab the host server logs. |
AddKeyToList | Adds/Replaces a key in key/value store backed by an XSOAR list. |
CompareLists | Compare two lists and put the differences in context. |
FileReputation | A context script for hash entities. |
ContextFilter | Filter context keys by applying one of the various available manipulations and storing in a new context key. Please notice that the resulting context key will not be available automatically as an option but you can still specify it. |
ConvertTableToHTML | Converts a given array to an HTML table |
SendMessageToOnlineUsers | Send message to Demisto online users over Email, Slack, Mattermost or all. |
Set | Set a value in context under the key you entered. |
ReadQRCode | Extracts the text from a QR code. The output of this script includes the output of the script "extractIndicators" run on the text extracted from the QR code. |
StixCreator | Gets a list of indicators from the indicators argument, and generates a JSON file in STIX 2.1 format. |
TopMaliciousRatioIndicators | Find the top malicious ratio indicators. |
SearchIncidentsSummary | Searches Cortex XSIAM Incidents and returnrs the most relevant fields. Default search range is the last 30 days, if you want to change this, use the fromDate argument. Returns the id, name, type, severity, status, owner, and created/closed times to context. You can add additional fields using the add_field_to_context argument. This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. Based on the SearchIncidentsV2 from the Common Scripts pack, but more efficient. |
SearchAlertsSummary | Searches Cortex XSIAM Alerts and returnrs the most relevant fields. Default search range is the last 30 days, if you want to change this, use the fromDate argument. Returns the id, name, type, severity, status, owner, and created/closed times to context. You can add additional fields using the add_field_to_context argument. This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. Based on the SearchAlertsV2 from the Common Scripts pack, but more efficient. |
GridFieldSetup | Automation used to more easily populate a grid field. This is necessary when you want to assign certain values as static or if you have context paths that you will assign to different values as well. Instead of a value you can enter |
FileCreateAndUploadV2 | Creates a file (using the given data input or entry ID) and uploads it to the current investigation War Room. |
BMCTool | Parse RDP bitmap cache data into a single collage image file. |
ShowScheduledEntries | Show all scheduled entries for specific incident. |
http | Sends http request. Returns the response as json. |
MaliciousRatioReputation | Set indicator reputation to "suspicious" when malicious ratio is above threshold. |
IsValueInArray | Indicates whether a given value is a member of given array |
SCPPullFiles | Take a list of devices and pull a specific file (given by path) from each using SCP. |
GenerateInvestigationSummaryReport | A script to generate investigation summary report in an automated way |
GenerateSummaryReportButton | This button will generate summary 'Case Report' template for a given Incident |
RemoveKeyFromList | Removes a key in key/value store backed by an XSOAR list. |
HTMLtoMD | Converts HTML to Markdown. |
DBotClosedIncidentsPercentage | Data output script for populating dashboard pie graph widget with the percentage of incidents closed by DBot vs. incidents closed by analysts. |
DBotClosedAlertsPercentage | Data output script for populating dashboard pie graph widget with the percentage of alerts closed by DBot vs. alerts closed by analysts. |
PopulateCriticalAssets | Populates critical assets in a grid field that has the section headers "Asset Type" and "Asset Name". |
ExtractDomainAndFQDNFromUrlAndEmail | Extracts domains and FQDNs from URLs and emails. |
CreateHash | Creating a hash of a given input, support sha1, sha256, sha512, md5 and blake. Wrapper for |
IPToHost | Try to get the hostname correlated with the input IP. |
AnalyzeTimestampIntervals | Analyze a list of Unix timestamps in milliseconds, to detect simple patterns of consistency or high frequency. The script can aid in the investigation of multi-event alerts that contain a list of timestamps. |
GetByIncidentId | Gets a value from the specified incident's context. |
GetByAlertId | Gets a value from the specified alert's context. |
commentsToContext | Takes the comments of a given entry ID and stores them in the incident context, under a provided context key. |
GeneratePassword | This function generates a password and allows various parameters to customize the properties of the password depending on the use case (e.g. password complexity requirements). The default behavior is to generate a password of random length including all four character classes (upper, lower, digits, symbols) with at least five and at most ten characters per class. The min_* values all default to 0. This means that if the command is executed in this way: The debug parameter will print certain properties of the command into the WarRoom for easy diagnostics. |
UnEscapeIPs | Remove escaping chars from IP |
Base64EncodeV2 | Encodes an input to Base64 format. |
ConvertTimezoneFromUTC | Takes UTC and converts it to the specified timezone. Format must match the UTC date's format and output will be the same format. Can use in conjunction with ConvertDateToString |
PublishEntriesToContext | Publish entries to incident's context |
IsGreaterThan | Checks if one number(float) as bigger than the other(float) |
TimeStampCompare | Compares a single timestamp to a list of timestamps. |
GenerateSummaryReports | Generate report summaries for the passed incidents. |
URLNumberOfAds | Fetches the numbers of ads in the given url. |
CheckFieldValue | This script checks that a field exists (and contains data), and optionally checks the value of the field for a match against an input value. If a regex is not supplied, the script checks that the field is not empty. This script can be used with the "GenericPolling" playbook to poll for field population or that a field contains a specific value. |
CountArraySize | Count an array size |
FileToBase64List | Encode a file as base64 and store it in a Demisto list. |
GenerateAsBuilt | Generate an as built document, as HTML, based on the running XSOAR instance. Requires an instance of the Demisto API integration configured. |
PortListenCheck | Checks whether a port was open on given host. |
UnzipFile | Unzip a file using fileName or entryID to specify a file. Unzipped files will be loaded to the War Room and names will be put into the context. |
BinarySearchPy | Deprecated. No available replacement. Search for a binary on an endpoint using Carbon Black |
HttpV2 | Sends a HTTP request with advanced capabilities |
HTTPListRedirects | List the redirects for a given URL |
ContextGetHashes | Gets hashes (MD5,SHA1,SHA256) from context. |
RunDockerCommand | This command will allow you to run commands against a local Docker Container. You can run commands like wc for instance with word count, or other types of commands that you want on the docker container. We recommend for tools that you want to use that are not part of the default Docker container, to cope this Automation script and then create a customer docker container with /docker_image_create with a custom docker container to add any command level tool to Demisto and output the results directly to the context. |
IsInternalHostName | Checks if the supplied hostnames match either the organization's internal naming convention or the domain suffix. |
VerifyJSON | Verifies if the supplied JSON string is valid and optionally verifies against a provided schema. The script utilizes Powershell's Test-JSON cmdlet. |
ExposeIncidentOwner | Expose the incident owner into IncidentOwner context key |
ExposeAlertOwner | Expose the alert owner into AlertOwner context key |
PrettyPrint | Pretty-print data using Python's pprint library. This is useful for seeing the structure of incident and context data. Here's how to use it: !PrettyPrint value=${incident} |
OnionURLReputation | This script adds the reputation to Onion URL indicators. The script is automatically triggered when a Onion URL indicator is auto-extracted. For instance, if you run a Cortex XSIAM CLI on a valid Onion URL, the indicators are extracted automatically and this script is triggered for the extracted indicators. |
LessThanPercentage | Checks if one percentage is less than another |
CompareIncidentsLabels | Compares the labels of two incidents. Returns the labels that are unique to each incident. This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. |
CompareAlertsLabels | Compares the labels of two alerts. Returns the labels that are unique to each alert. This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. |
ContextGetIps | Gets all IP addresses in context, excluding ones given. |
FindSimilarIncidents | Deprecated. Use DBotFindSimilarIncidents instead. Finds similar incidents by common incident keys, labels, custom fields or context keys. This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. |
FindSimilarAlerts | Deprecated. Use DBotFindSimilarAlerts instead. Finds similar alerts by common alert keys, labels, custom fields or context keys. This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. |
SetWithTemplate | Set a value built by a template in context under the key you entered. |
Base64ListToFile | Converts Base64 file in a list to a binary file and upload to warroom |
SSDeepReputation | Calculate ssdeep reputation based on similar files (by ssdeep similarity) on the system. |
URLSSLVerification | Verify URL SSL certificate |
findIncidentsWithIndicator | Lookup incidents with specified indicator. Use currentIncidentId to omit the existing incident from output. This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. |
findAlertsWithIndicator | Lookup alerts with specified indicator. Use currentAlertId to omit the existing alert from output. This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. |
RemoteExec | Execute a command on a remote machine (without installing a D2 agent) |
ReadFile | Load the contents of a file into context. |
ExportIndicatorsToCSV | This automation uses the Core REST API Integration to batch export Indicators to CSV and return the resulting CSV file to the war room. |
DBotAverageScore | The script calculates the average DBot score for each indicator in the context. |
IsIPInRanges | Returns yes if the IP is in one of the ranges provided, returns no otherwise. |
UnEscapeURLs | Extract URLs redirected by security tools like Proofpoint. |
GenerateRandomUUID | Generates a random UUID (UUID 4). |
CreateNewIndicatorsOnly | Create indicators to the Threat Intel database only if they are not registered. All submitted indicators will be associated with the parent incident. When using the script with many indicators, or when the Threat Intel Management database is highly populated, this script may have low performance issue. |
ShowOnMap | Returns a map entry with a marker on the given coordinates (lat,lng), or address (requires a configured GoogleMaps instance). |
CertificateReputation | Enrich and calculate the reputation of a certificate indicator. |
GetDockerImageLatestTag | Gets docker image latest tag. Script simulates the docker pull flow but doesn't actually pull the image. Returns an entry with the docker image latest tag if all is good, otherwise will return an error. |
GetTime | Retrieves the current date and time. |
IncidentFields | Returns a dict of all incident fields that exist in the system. |
AlertFields | Returns a dict of all alert fields that exist in the system. |
SSDeepSimilarity | This script finds similar files that can be related to each other by fuzzy hash (SSDeep). |
ResolveShortenedURL | This script resolves the original URL from a given shortened URL and places the resolved URL in the playbook context and output. |
GenericPollingScheduledTask | Runs the polling command repeatedly, completes a blocking manual task when polling is done. |
ExtractEmailV2 | Verifies that an email address is valid and only returns the address if it is valid. |
GetEntries | Collect entries matching to the conditions in the war room. |
ConvertFile | Converts a file from one format to a different format by using the convert-to function of Libre Office. For a list of supported input/output formats see: |
CVSSCalculator | This script calculates the CVSS Base Score, Temporal Score, and Environmental Score using either the CVSS 3.0 or CVSS 3.1 calculator according to calculation documentation. |
LinkIncidentsButton | Incident action button script to link or unlink Incidents from an Incident |
LinkAlertsButton | Alert action button script to link or unlink Alerts from an Alert |
PrintToIncident | Prints a value to the specified incident's war-room. |
LoadJSON | Loads a json from string input, and returns a json object result. |
IncidentAddSystem | Add a remote system (such as a desktop under investigation) to an investigation (this will allow you to install and agent on the system) |
AlertAddSystem | Add a remote system (such as a desktop under investigation) to an investigation (this will allow you to install and agent on the system) |
LoadJSONFileToContext | Loads a JSON file from the war room to context. |
CEFParser | Parse CEF data into the context. Please notice that outputs will display only the 7 mandatory fields even if the CEF event includes many other custom or extended fields. |
IsInternalDomainName | This script accepts multiple values for both arguments and will iterate through each of the domains to check if the specified subdomains are located in at least one of the specified main domains. If the tested subdomain is in one of the main domains, the result will be true. For example, if the domain_to_check values are and apps.paloaltonetworks.bla and the domains_to_compare values are and, the result for will be true since it is a part of the domain. The result for apps.paloaltonetworks.bla will be false since it is not a part of the or domain. |
CalculateTimeDifference | Calculate the time difference, in minutes |
ConvertXmlToJson | Converts XML string to JSON format |
FilterByList | Checks whether the specified item is in a list. The default list is the Demisto Indicators Whitelist. |
PrintToAlert | Prints a value to the specified alert's war-room. The alert must be in status "Under Investigation". |
MathUtil | Script will run the provided mathematical action on 2 provided values and produce a result. |
SetIndicatorGridField | This script updates an indicator's grid field in Cortex XSIAM with provided row data. You can input the rows directly or extract them from the context. |
PrintErrorEntry | Prints an error entry with a given message. |
ParseCSV | This script will parse a CSV file and place the unique IPs, Domains and Hashes into the context. |
ExtractHTMLTables | Find tables inside HTML and extract the contents into objects using the following logic:
MatchRegexV2 | Extracts regex data from the provided text. The script support groups and looping. |
FormatURL | Strips, unquotes and unescapes URLs. If the URL is a Proofpoint or ATP URL, extracts its redirect URL. If more than one URL is passed to the formatter, the separator must be a pipe ("|"). |
RunPollingCommand | Runs a specified polling command one time. This is useful for initiating a local playbook context before running a polling scheduled task. This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. |
ContextGetEmails | Gets all email addresses in context, excluding ones given. |
VerdictResult | This widget displays the incident verdict or the alert verdict based on the 'incident.verdict' or 'alert.verdict' field. |
Prints text to war room (Markdown supported) | |
SetGridField | Creates a Grid table from items or key-value pairs. |
ExtractAttackPattern | Extract Attack Pattern Threat Intel Object. After auto extract extracts the Attack Pattern IDs, this script is executed and extracts the value (name) of the Attack Pattern. |
DisableUserWrapper | This script allows disabling a specified user using one or more of the following integrations: SailPointIdentityIQ, ActiveDirectoryQuery, Okta, MicrosoftGraphUser, and IAM. |
CheckContextValue | This script checks that a context key exists (and contains data), and optionally checks the value of the context key for a match against an input value. If a regex is not supplied, the script checks that the key is not empty. This script can be used with the "GenericPolling" playbook to poll for field population or that a field contains a specific value. This scripts does not support a context key which holds a list of values. |
ParseYAML | Parses a YAML string into context |
MatchRegex | Deprecated. Use the MatchRegexV2 script instead. |
URLReputation | A context script for URL entities. |
SetTime | Fill the current time in a custom incident field |
ProvidesCommand | Finds which integrations implement a specific Demisto command. The results will be returned as comma-separated values (CSV). The "Core REST API" integration must first be enabled. |
emailFieldTriggered | Sends email to incident owner when selected field is triggered. |
ZipFile | Zip a file and upload to war room. |
FetchIndicatorsFromFile | Fetches indicators from a file. Supports TXT, XLS, XLSX, CSV, DOC and DOCX file types. |
StringReplace | Replaces regex match/es in string. |
checkValue | Gets a value and return it. This is to be used in playbook conditional tasks - get a value from incident field, label or context, and act accordingly. |
SetMultipleValues | Set multiple keys/values to the context. |
DeduplicateValuesbyKey | Given a list of objects and a key found in each of those objects, return a unique list of values associated with that key. Returns error if the objects provided do not contain the key of interest. |
AreValuesEqual | Check whether the values provided in arguments are equal. If either of the arguments are missing, no is returned. |
UnPackFile | Deprecated. Use the UnzipFile script instead. UnPack a file using fileName or entryID to specify a file. Files unpacked will be pushed to the war room and names will be pushed to the context. |
IPReputation | A context script for IP entities. |
GetErrorsFromEntry | Get the error(s) associated with a given entry/entries. Use ${lastCompletedTaskEntries} to check the previous task entries. The automation will return an array of the error contents from those entries. |
AssignAnalystToIncident | Assign analyst to incident. |
ReplaceMatchGroup | Returns a string with all matches of a regex pattern groups replaced by a replacement. |
JSONFileToCSV | Script to convert a War Room output JSON File to a CSV file. |
GetEnabledInstances | Gets all currently enabled integration instances. |
isError | Check whether given entry/entries returned an error. Use ${lastCompletedTaskEntries} to check the previous task entries. If array is provided, will return yes if one of the entries returned an error. |
ScheduleCommand | Schedule a command to run inside the war room at a future time (once or reoccurring) |
GetDataCollectionLink | Generates the URL for a Data Collection Task into Context. Can be used to get the url for tasks send via Email, Slack, or even if you select "By Task Only". To generate links for specific users, add an array of users in the users argument. |
AssignToMeButton | Assigns the current Incident to the Cortex XSIAM user who clicked the button |
StopScheduledTask | This stops the scheduled task whose ID is given in the taskID argument. |
GenerateRandomString | Generates random string |
EmailAskUserResponse | Extract user's response from EmailAskUser reply. Returns the first textual response line of the provided entry that contains the reply body. Use ${lastCompletedTaskEntries} to analyze the previous playbook task containing the user's reply. |
RepopulateFiles | After running DeleteContext, this script can repopulate all the file entries in the ${File} context key |
SearchIncidentsV2 | Searches Demisto incidents. A summarized version of this scrips is avilable with the summarizedversion argument. This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. |
SearchAlertsV2 | Searches Demisto alerts. A summarized version of this scrips is avilable with the summarizedversion argument. This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. |
BreachConfirmationHTML | |
ExportContextToJSONFile | Exports the Context for the current Incident to a JSON file in the war room. |
ExtractIndicatorsFromTextFile | Extract indicators from a text-based file.
This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. |
ContentPackInstaller | Content packs installer from marketplace. |
ParseEmailFilesV2 | Parse an email from an eml or msg file and populate all relevant context data to investigate the email. Also extracts inner attachments and returns them to the war room. The incident labels themselves are preserved and not modified - only the "Label/x" context items that originated from the labels, and the best practice is to rely on these for the remainder of the playbook. This script is based on the parse-emails XSOAR python package, check the script documentation for more info. |
DecodeMimeHeader | Decode MIME base64 headers. |
AquatoneDiscoverV2 | aquatone-discover will find the targets nameservers and shuffle DNS lookups between them. Should a lookup fail on the target domains nameservers, aquatone-discover will fall back to using Google public DNS servers to maximize discovery. |
StringLength | Returns the length of the string passed as argument |
IncreaseIncidentSeverity | Optionally increases the incident severity to the new value if it is greater than the existing severity. |
IncreaseAlertSeverity | Optionally increases the alert severity to the new value if it is greater than the existing severity. |
AddDBotScoreToContext | Add DBot score to context for indicators with custom vendor, score, reliability, and type. |
DumpJSON | Dumps a json from context key input, and returns a json object string result |
IPNetwork | Gather information regarding CIDR - |
ParseEmailFiles | Deprecated. Use ParseEmailFilesV2 instead." Parse an email from an eml or msg file and populate all relevant context data to investigate the email. Also extracts inner attachments and returns them to the war room. The incident labels themselves are preserved and not modified - only the "Label/x" context items that originated from the labels, and the best practice is to rely on these for the remainder of the playbook. |
IsTrue | Check if a given value is true. Will return 'no' otherwise |
IsEmailAddressInternal | Checks if the email address is part of the internal domains. |
GetInstances | Returns integration instances configured in Cortex XSIAM. You can filter by instance status and/or brand name (vendor). |
PDFUnlocker | Removing the password protection from a PDF file and adding a new file entry with the unlocked PDF. |
SetAndHandleEmpty | Set a value in context under the key you entered. If no value is entered, the script doesn't do anything. This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. |
LanguageDetect | Language detection based on Google's language-detection. |
NumberOfPhishingAttemptPerUser | Shows a bar chart of the number of incident the 'To' and 'From' email addresses. This automation runs using the default Limited User role, unless you explicitly change the permissions. |
GetDomainDNSDetails | Returns DNS details for a domain. |
ParseWordDoc | Takes an input docx file (entryID) as an input and saves an output text file (file entry) with the original file's contents. |
GetLicenseID | Returns the license ID. |
MarkAsNoteByTag | Mark entries as notes if they are tagged with given tag. |
ContextSearchForString | Searches for string in a path in context. If path is null, string will be searched in full context. |
IsIntegrationAvailable | Returns 'yes' if integration brand is available. Otherwise returns 'no'. |
GetIndicatorDBotScore | Add into the incident's context the system internal DBot score for the input indicator. |
LookupCSV | Parses a CSV and looks for a specific value in a specific column, returning a dict of the entire matching row. If no column value is specified, the entire CSV is read into the context. |
GetStringsDistance | Get the string distance between inputString and compareString (compareString can be a comma-separated list) based on Levenshtein Distance algorithm. |
ConvertCountryCodeCountryName | Convert country name to country code or country code to country name. |
DisplayHTML | Display HTML in the War Room. |
FileCreateAndUpload | Deprecated. Use FileCreateAndUploadV2 instead. Will create a file (using the given data input or entry ID) and upload it to current investigation war room. |
ExportToCSV | Export given array to csv file. |
CheckSenderDomainDistance | Get the string distance for the sender from our domain |
ContextGetPathForString | Searches for string in context and returns context path, returns null if not found. |
Exists | Check if a given value exists in the context. Will return 'no' for empty empty arrays. To be used mostly with DQ and selectors. |
ShowIncidentIndicators | This script is used to display the indicators of an incident in an incident field of type Array. It can be used to select indicators from the incident in order to later perform some actions, like tagging the indicators for blocking via EDL. |
ShowAlertIndicators | This script is used to display the indicators of an alert in an alert field of type Array. It can be used to select indicators from the alert in order to later perform some actions, like tagging the indicators for blocking via EDL. |
ChangeContext | Enables changing context in two ways. The first is to capitalize the first letter of each key in following level of the context key entered. The second is to change context keys to new values. |
ArrayToCSV | Converts a simple Array into a textual comma separated string |
DomainReputation | A context script for Domain entities |
AppendindicatorFieldWrapper | A wrapper script to the 'AppendindicatorField' script that enables adding tags to certain indicators. |
PrintToParentIncident | Prints a value to the parent incident's war-room of the current alert. |
Name | Description |
Individuals Notification | |
Size - number of employees | |
Medical Information breached | Is Medical Information breached |
Consumer Reporting Agencies Notification | |
E-mail Address | |
Secretary Notification | |
Attorney General Notification | |
Residents Email Address | |
Where is data hosted | |
Measures to Mitigate | " (d) describe the measures taken or proposed to be taken by the controller to address the personal data breach, including, where appropriate, measures to mitigate its possible adverse effects." - GDPR Art. 33 |
Company has Insurance for the Breach | |
GDPR Notify Authorities | "In the case of a personal data breach, the controller shall without undue delay and, where feasible, not later than 72 hours after having become aware of it, notify the personal data breach to the supervisory authority competent in accordance with Article 55, unless the personal data breach is unlikely to result in a risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons." - GDPR Art. 33 |
Size - turnover | |
Likely Impact | "A data protection impact assessment (…) shall in particular be required in the case of: (a) a systematic and extensive evaluation of personal aspects relating to natural persons which is based on automated processing, including profiling, and on which decisions are based that produce legal effects concerning the natural person or similarly significantly affect the natural person; (b) processing on a large scale of special categories of data referred to in Article 9(1), or of personal data relating to criminal convictions and offences referred to in Article 10; or (c) a systematic monitoring of a publicly accessible area on a large scale. - GDPR Art. 35 |
Contact Email address | |
Company Address | |
Country where business has its main establishment | "‘main establishment’ means: as regards a controller with establishments in more than one Member State, the place of its central administration in the Union, unless the decisions on the purposes and means of the processing of personal data are taken in another establishment of the controller in the Union and the latter establishment has the power to have such decisions implemented, in which case the establishment having taken such decisions is to be considered to be the main establishment; as regards a processor with establishments in more than one Member State, the place of its central administration in the Union, or, if the processor has no central administration in the Union, the establishment of the processor in the Union where the main processing activities in the context of the activities of an establishment of the processor take place to the extent that the processor is subject to specific obligations under this Regulation;" - GDPR Art. 4 |
Unique identification number breached | Is unique identification number breached |
Postal Code | |
Approximate number of affected data subjects | |
Contact Telephone number | |
Affected Individuals Contact Information | |
Affected data | "‘personal data’ means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person;" - GDPR Art. 4 |
Sector of Affected Party | |
Media Notification | The status of the media notification |
Is the Data Subject to DPIA | |
Company Postal Code | |
Other PII data breached | Is other PII data breached |
PII Data Type | |
Resident Notification Option | |
Data Encryption Status | |
State CISO Notification | |
Financial information breached | Is financial information breached |
Health insurance breached | Is health insurance breached |
Malicious Cause (If the cause is a malicious attack) | |
Account information breached | Is account information breached |
Management Notification | |
Contact Name | |
Contact Address | |
Unique biometric data breached | Is unique biometric data breached |
Affected Data Type | |
DPO E-mail Address | |
State where the breach took place | |
DPO Notification | |
Breach Confirmation | Is the DPO confirm the breach |
Company City | |
Possible Cause of the Breach | |
Telephone no. | |
Company Name |
Name | Description |
PrivateIPs |
Pack Name | Pack By |
Base | By: Cortex XSOAR |
Cortex REST API | By: Cortex XSOAR |
Pack Name | Pack By |
US - Breach Notification | By: Cortex XSOAR |
Brute Force | By: Cortex XSOAR |
Elasticsearch | By: Cortex XSOAR |
GDPR | By: Cortex XSOAR |
Gmail | By: Cortex XSOAR |
Gmail Single User | By: Cortex XSOAR |
HIPAA - Breach Notification | By: Cortex XSOAR |
IBM Security QRadar SOAR | By: Cortex XSOAR |
Mail Sender (New) | By: Cortex XSOAR |
Microsoft Graph Mail | By: Cortex XSOAR |
ProtectWise | By: Cortex XSOAR |
Remote Access | By: Cortex XSOAR |
Shodan | By: Cortex XSOAR |
Sumo Logic | By: Cortex XSOAR |
Pack Name | Pack By |
Base | By: Cortex XSOAR |
Cortex REST API | By: Cortex XSOAR |
- Updated the script to ensure that all data returned from each command is also returned to the context.
- Updated the script to include the source of the data in the context for each field.
Internal code improvements.
- 37431
Improved consistency of the script output by removing carriage return (\r) characters from the end of lines.
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/pandas:
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- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/office-utils:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/office-utils:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/bs4-py3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/office-utils:
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- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
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- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- 37147
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- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/netutils:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/netutils:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/netutils:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/btfl-soup:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/xsoar-tools:
- 37108
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- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/py3-tools:
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- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- 36995
- 37051
- 37052
- 36992
- 37006
- 36997
- 36994
- 36998
- 36993
- 37059
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/processing-image-file:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/pcap-http-extractor:
- 36780
- 36769
- 36784
- 36766
- 36771
- 36498
- 36747
- 36773
- 36759
- 36725
- 36774
- 35865
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/ssdeep:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/readpdf:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3-deb:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/readpdf:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/unzip:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/pcap-http-extractor:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/qrcode:
- 36505
- 36495
- 36494
- 36493
- 36492
- 36491
- 36490
- 36489
- 36486
- 36485
- 36484
- 36483
- 36488
- 36487
New: get-user-data
New: This script gathers user data from multiple integrations and returns an Account entity with consolidated information to the context. (Available from Cortex XSOAR 6.10.0).
- Fixed an issue with ShowIncidentIndicators fetching indicators with the same IDs.
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- 36260
- 36657
- Documentation and metadata improvements.
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/py3-tools:
- Documentation and metadata improvements.
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/py3-tools:
- 36053
- Fixed an issue where the script failed when given values containing quotation marks.
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Fixed an issue where the script failed when given values containing quotation marks.
- 35995
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/office-utils:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/office-utils:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/office-utils:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/office-utils:
- 35403
Updated the Docker image to: demisto/mlurlphishing:
New: GenerateAsBuiltConfiguration
- New: Generate a JSON file that can be downloaded and used to create the As-Built document for Cortex XSOAR. (Available from Cortex XSOAR 6.10.0).
- 35178
- 35115
- Updated the IPv6 formatter to remove unneeded prefixed characters.
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Fixed an issue where embedded images not appear in the Email Body section in the Phishing incident layout.
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- 35135
- Improved implementation of
redirection by removingwurlitzer.pipes()
and redirectingstderr
to a temporary file. - The automation now extracts QR codes exclusively to improve performance.
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/qrcode:
- 34579
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/py3-tools:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/py3-tools:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/py3-tools:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/py3-tools:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/py3-tools:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/py3-tools:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/py3-tools:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/py3-tools:
- 34465
- 33830
- 33831
- 33828
- 33825
- 33805
- 33871
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/office-utils:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/mlurlphishing:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/ssdeep:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/processing-image-file:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/aquatone:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/pcap-http-extractor:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/readpdf:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/office-utils:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/readpdf:
- 34378
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/py3-tools:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/py3-tools:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/py3-tools:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/py3-tools:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/py3-tools:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/py3-tools:
- 33641
- 33516
- 33519
- 33515
- 33329
- 33314
- 33318
- 33328
- 33357
- 33344
- 33359
- 33458
- 33535
- 33534
- 33537
- 33552
- 33580
- 33553
- 33418
- 33583
- 33555
- 33556
- 33559
- 33560
- 33619
- 33591
- 33602
- 33600
- 33314
- 33318
- 33328
- 33357
- 33344
- 33359
- 33458
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/aquatone:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/py3-tools:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/powershell:
- 33391
- 33314
- 33318
- 33328
- 33357
- 33344
- 33359
- 33348
- Added support for propagating the
argument in both the initial and subsequent executions by introducing the extractMode argument. - Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Added support for propagating the
argument in both the initial and subsequent executions by introducing the extractMode argument.
- 33146
- New: Extract fields from a certificate file and return the standard context. (Available from Cortex XSOAR 6.0.0).
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/crypto:
New: CertificateReputation
- New: Enrich and calculate the reputation of a certificate indicator. (Available from Cortex XSOAR 6.0.0).
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- 31341
- Fixed an issue where Export Stix failed when exporting a not STIX compatible object of type
. - Updated the Docker image to demisto/py3-tools:
- Fixed an issue where a value was not sanitized.
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- 32878
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Fixed an issue where the script was erroring when there were no File entries in the warroom.
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- 32966
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/xslxwriter:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/unzip:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/pcap-http-extractor:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/netutils:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/btfl-soup:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3-deb:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/netutils:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/netutils:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/bs4-tld:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/xml-feed:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/bs4-py3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/nltk:
- 32938
- 32763
- 32762
- 32741
- 32744
- 32745
- 32752
- 32753
- 32754
- 32759
- 32761
- Fixed an issue where the GetIndicatorDBotScoreFromCache automation failed when no IOCs were returned from the cache.
- Updated the Docker image to demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- 32445
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- 32408
New: VerdictResult
New: This widget displays the incident verdict or the alert verdict based on the 'incident.verdict' or 'alert.verdict' field.
- Fixed a parsing issue when running on msg email files with headers only.
- Fixed an issue where EML multipart files were not parsed if they have a broken boundary.
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/parse-emails:
- 31683
- Deprecated the demisto-api-* commands and replaced with the core-api-* commands. (Commands are identical, no effect is expected.)
- Deprecated the demisto-api-* commands and replaced with the core-api-* commands. (Commands are identical, no effect is expected.)
- Deprecated the demisto-api-* commands and replaced with the core-api-* commands. (Commands are identical, no effect is expected.)
- Deprecated the demisto-api-* commands and replaced with the core-api-* commands. (Commands are identical, no effect is expected.)
- Deprecated the demisto-api-* commands and replaced with the core-api-* commands. (Commands are identical, no effect is expected.)
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Deprecated the demisto-api-* commands and replaced with the core-api-* commands. (Commands are identical, no effect is expected.)
- Deprecated the demisto-api-* commands and replaced with the core-api-* commands. (Commands are identical, no effect is expected.)
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Deprecated the demisto-api-* commands and replaced with the core-api-* commands. (Commands are identical, no effect is expected.)
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/xsoar-tools:
- Deprecated the demisto-api-* commands and replaced with the core-api-* commands. (Commands are identical, no effect is expected.)
- 31388
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/office-utils:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/python3:
- Updated the Docker image to: demisto/teams:
- 31448
New: ReadQRCode
- New: This script uses the open-source library OpenCV to extract text from QR codes. The output of this script includes the output of the script "extractIndicators" run on the text extracted from the QR code. (Available from Cortex XSOAR 6.10.0).
- 31323
Certification | Certified | Read more |
Supported By | Cortex | |
Created | July 27, 2020 | |
Last Release | December 4, 2024 |