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This content pack uses the Confluera integration to fetch detections & progressions from confluera's Iq-Hub portal


This pack enables you to fetch real time data ( detections, progressions) from confluera's central brain called IQ-Hub portal.

What does this pack do?

  • Fetch list of detections present in IQ-Hub portal
  • Fetch list of progressions available in IQ-Hub portal
  • Get details of any specific progression needed by the user

This pack includes the :

  • Confluera integration
  • The IQ-HUB Automation playbook
  • Confluera Incident incident type
  • an incident layout to display the real-time data coming from Iq-Hub portal in chart format.
  • following 9 scripts :
    -- ConflueraDetectionsCount : Logs detections count present in confluera Iq-Hub portal.
    -- ConflueraDetectionsData : Logs detections data ( detection vs risk-contribution ) present in confluera Iq-Hub portal.
    -- ConflueraDetectionsDataWarroom : Logs detections data ( detection vs risk-contribution ), present in the confluera Iq-Hub portal, in bar chart format inside the confluera incident layout.
    -- ConflueraDetectionsSummary : Logs detections data ( categories of detections ) present in confluera Iq-Hub portal.
    -- ConflueraDetectionsSummaryWarroom : Logs detections data ( categories of detection ), present in the confluera Iq-Hub portal, in pie chart format inside the confluera incident layout.
    -- ConflueraProgressionsCount : Logs progressions count present in confluera Iq-Hub portal.
    -- ConflueraProgressionData : Logs progressions data ( progression vs risk-score ) present in confluera Iq-Hub portal.
    -- ConflueraProgressionsDataWarroom : Logs the progressions data ( progression vs risk-score ), present in the confluera Iq-Hub portal, in bar chart format inside the confluera incident layout.
    -- IqHubLog : Logs detections & progression counts along with respective links to confluera Iq-Hub portal.

How does this pack work

Create an instance of the Confluera integration by providing the Iq-Hub url and login credential and start fetching real time data from IQ-Hub portal.


This pack includes Confluera integration that implements the following Command.

  • confluera-fetch-detections - Fetches list of detections present in confluera's Iq-Hub portal for past x hours. This command accpets hours as an argument which has default value set as 72 hours.
  • confluera-fetch-progressions - Fetches list of progressions present in confluera's Iq-Hub portal for past x hours.This command accpets hours as an argument which has default value set as 72 hours.
  • confluera-fetch-trail-details - Fetches progression details, present in confluera's Iq-Hub portal, of which provided trailId is a part of.This command accpets trail_id as an argument.


This pack enables you to fetch real time data ( detections, progressions) from confluera's central brain called IQ-Hub portal.

What does this pack do?

  • Fetch list of detections present in IQ-Hub portal
  • Fetch list of progressions available in IQ-Hub portal
  • Get details of any specific progression needed by the user

This pack includes the :

  • Confluera integration
  • The IQ-HUB Automation playbook
  • Confluera Incident incident type
  • an incident layout to display the real-time data coming from Iq-Hub portal in chart format.
  • following 9 scripts :
    -- ConflueraDetectionsCount : Logs detections count present in confluera Iq-Hub portal.
    -- ConflueraDetectionsData : Logs detections data ( detection vs risk-contribution ) present in confluera Iq-Hub portal.
    -- ConflueraDetectionsDataWarroom : Logs detections data ( detection vs risk-contribution ), present in the confluera Iq-Hub portal, in bar chart format inside the confluera incident layout.
    -- ConflueraDetectionsSummary : Logs detections data ( categories of detections ) present in confluera Iq-Hub portal.
    -- ConflueraDetectionsSummaryWarroom : Logs detections data ( categories of detection ), present in the confluera Iq-Hub portal, in pie chart format inside the confluera incident layout.
    -- ConflueraProgressionsCount : Logs progressions count present in confluera Iq-Hub portal.
    -- ConflueraProgressionData : Logs progressions data ( progression vs risk-score ) present in confluera Iq-Hub portal.
    -- ConflueraProgressionsDataWarroom : Logs the progressions data ( progression vs risk-score ), present in the confluera Iq-Hub portal, in bar chart format inside the confluera incident layout.
    -- IqHubLog : Logs detections & progression counts along with respective links to confluera Iq-Hub portal.

How does this pack work

Create an instance of the Confluera integration by providing the Iq-Hub url and login credential and start fetching real time data from IQ-Hub portal.


This pack includes Confluera integration that implements the following Command.

  • confluera-fetch-detections - Fetches list of detections present in confluera's Iq-Hub portal for past x hours. This command accpets hours as an argument which has default value set as 72 hours.
  • confluera-fetch-progressions - Fetches list of progressions present in confluera's Iq-Hub portal for past x hours.This command accpets hours as an argument which has default value set as 72 hours.
  • confluera-fetch-trail-details - Fetches progression details, present in confluera's Iq-Hub portal, of which provided trailId is a part of.This command accpets trail_id as an argument.



Cortex XSOARCortex XSIAM


CertificationRead more
Supported ByPartner
CreatedMay 20, 2021
Last ReleaseJanuary 22, 2025

Content packs are licensed by the Publisher identified above and subject to the Publisher’s own licensing terms. Palo Alto Networks is not liable for and does not warrant or support any content pack produced by a third-party Publisher, whether or not such packs are designated as “Palo Alto Networks-certified” or otherwise.