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F5 BIG-IP Advanced WAF

Used for protecting applications with behavioral analytics, layer 7 DoS mitigation, application-layer encryption of sensetive data, threat intelligence services and API security.

F5 BIG-IP Advanced WAF

This pack includes Cortex XSIAM content.

Configuration on Server Side

You need to configure BIG-IP AWAF to forward Syslog messages.
In order to do so, create a logging profile and set remote logging to the relevant server.

  • The product documentation is available here.

Creating a logging profile

  1. On the Main tab, click SecurityEvent LogsLogging Profiles.
  2. Click Create.
  3. In the Profile Name field, type a unique name for the profile.
  4. Select the Application Security checkbox.
  5. On the Application Security tab, for Configuration, select Advanced.
  6. Select the Remote Storage checkbox.
  7. Click Finished.

Setting Remote Logging

  1. Connect to the BIG-IP web UI and log in with administrative rights.
  2. Navigate to SecurityEvent LogsLogging Profiles.
  3. Click the name of the logging profile for which you want to set up remote logging.
  4. Select the Remote Storage checkbox.
  5. From the Remote Storage Type list, select Remote.
  6. For the Protocol setting, select TCP.
  7. For Server Addresses, type the IP Address, Port Number (default is 514), and click Add.
  8. Click Finished.

Supported Timestamp Ingestion

Timestamp ingestion is supported for the format: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Ez (yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS+ZZ:ZZ).
In order to configure the required timestamp for syslog messages, follow these instructions:

  • The product documentation is available here.
  1. Log in to the BIG-IP command line.
  2. Use a Linux editor to edit the syslog-ng configuration, in this case using nano editor.
    nano /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf
3. Add **ts_format(iso);** at the last line inside **options** section.

options {
ts_format(iso); --> !!!

4. Restart syslog-ng service.

bigstart restart syslog-ng

Collect Events from Vendor

In order to use the collector, use the Broker VM option.

Broker VM

To create or configure the Broker VM, use the information described here.

You can configure the specific vendor and product for this instance.

  1. Navigate to SettingsConfigurationData BrokerBroker VMs.
  2. Go to the Apps column under the Brokers tab and add the Syslog Collector app for the relevant broker instance. If the app already exists, hover over it and click Configure.
  3. Click Add New for adding a new syslog data source.
  4. When configuring the new syslog data source, set the following values:
    | Parameter | Value
    | :--- | :---
    | Vendor | Enter f5.
    | Product | Enter waf.



Cortex XSIAM


CertificationRead more
Supported ByCortex
CreatedMay 29, 2024
Last ReleaseMay 29, 2024

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