Pack Contributors:
- Samuel Kamar
- Masahiko Inoue
Contributions are welcome and appreciated. For more info, visit our Contribution Guide.
Frequently used filters and transformers pack.
Contributions are welcome and appreciated. For more info, visit our Contribution Guide.
Contributions are welcome and appreciated. For more info, visit our Contribution Guide.
Name | Description |
RegexExpand | Extract the strings matched to the patterns by doing backslash substitution on the template string. |
DT | This automation allows the usage of DT scripts within playbooks transformers |
AnyMatch | Returns all elements from the left side that have a substring that is equal to an element from the right side. Note: This filter is case-insensitive. |
MapValuesTransformer | This script converts the input value into another value using two lists. The input value is searched in the first list (input_values). Example 1: input_values = "1,2,3,4" Output would be "2" Example 2: input_values ="firstkey: datahere,secondkey: datathere" Output would be: The reason for matching the key AND value pair in a dictionary is to allow the mappig of values that have a specific key name. In most cases, dictionaries will continan key-value pairs in which the values are the same. You might want to change the value of KeyA, but not the value of KeyB. This method gives control over which key is changed. When the input is a dict, str , int, or list, the output is ALWAYS returned as a string. |
RemoveEmpty | Remove empty items, entries or nodes from the array. |
RemoveMatches | Removes items from the given list of values if they match any of the patterns in the provided |
PadZeros | Adds zeros (0) to the beginning of the string, until the string reaches the specified length. |
BetweenDates | Whether value is within a date range. |
ConvertAllExcept | Convert all chosen values but exceptions. |
MapPattern | This transformer will take in a value and transform it based on multiple condition expressions (wildcard, regex, etc) defined in a JSON dictionary structure. The key:value pair of the JSON dictionary should be: "condition expression": "desired outcome" For example: { The transformer will return the value matched to a pattern following to the priority. |
RegexReplace | Format patterns matched with regex. If the regex does not match any pattern, the original value is returned. Example 1: Example 2: |
jmespath | Performs a JMESPath search on an input JSON format, when using a transformer. |
CheckIfSubdomain | Checks whether a given domain is a subdomain of one of the listed domains. |
IsNotInCidrRanges | Checks whether an IPv4 or IPv6 address is not contained in one or more comma-delimited CIDR ranges. |
DedupBy | This transformer will remove elements of the array that contain an identical combination of values for the keys given. |
ConvertKeysToTableFieldFormat | Convert object keys to match table keys. |
GetRange | Gets specified indexes of a list. |
Cut | Cut a string by delimiter and return specific fields. Exampleinput: "A-B-C-D-E" return: "A-E". |
If-Then-Else | A transformer for simple if-then-else logic. |
FormattedDateToEpoch | Converts a custom-formatted timestamp to UNIX epoch time. Use it to convert custom time stamps to a XSOAR date field. If you pass formatter argument, we will use it to transform. If not, we will use dateparser.parse for transforming. For more info, see: |
URLEncode | Encodes a URL string by replacing special characters in the string using the %xx escape. For example: converts to |
GetValuesOfMultipleFields | The script receives a list of fields and a context key base path. For example, Key=Test.result List=username,user and will get all of the values from Test.result.username and Test.result.user. |
SetIfEmpty | Checks an object for an empty value and returns a pre-set default value. |
JsonToTable | Accepts a json object and returns a markdown. |
LastArrayElement | Returns the last element of an array. If the value passed is not an array, it returns the original value that was passed. |
StripChars | Strip set of characters from prefix and/or suffix |
EmailDomainBlacklist | Accepts an array of domains as a block list, and a list of email addresses. The script then filters out any email address whose domain is in the block list. The filtered list will be returned as an array. |
JoinIfSingleElementOnly | Return the single element in case the array has only 1 element in it, otherwise return the whole array. |
ReverseList | Reverse a list This is an example for entire-list transformer - it operates the argument as a list (note the "entirelist" tag). |
Base64Decode | Decodes an input in Base64 format. |
FormatTemplate | Build text from a template that can include DT expressions. |
WhereFieldEquals | Return all items from the list where their given 'field' attribute is equal to 'equalTo' argument E.g. !WhereFieldEquals with the following arguments:
Will return all items names where field 'type' equals 'IP' - ['192.1,0.82', '']. |
BetweenHours | Checks whether the given value is within the specified time (hour) range. |
StringContainsArray | Checks whether a substring or an array of substrings is within a string array(each item will be checked). Supports single strings as well. For example, for substrings ['a','b','c'] in a string 'a' the script will return true. |
ModifyDateTime | Takes a date or time input and adds or subtracts a determined amount of time. Returns a string in date or time in ISO Format. |
StringifyArray | Return the string encoded with JSON from the whole array |
ParseJSON | Parse a given JSON string "value" to a representative object. Example: '{"a": "value"}' => {"a": "value"}. |
ConvertToSingleElementArray | Converts a single string to an array of that string. |
InRange | checks if left side is in range of right side (from,to anotation) |
ParseHTMLTables | Find tables inside HTML and extract the contents into objects using the following logic:
URLDecode | Converts |
RegexGroups | Extraction of elements which are contained in all the subgroups of the match to the pattern. |
TimeStampToDate | Converts UNIX Epoch time stamp to a simplified extended ISO format string. Use it to convert time stamp to Demisto date field e.g. 1525006939 will return '2018-04-29T13:02:19.000Z' |
If-Elif | A transformer for if-elif-else logic. |
LowerCidrNumAddresses | Check if number of availble addresses in IPv4 CIDR is lower than given number. |
SortBy | This transformer will sort an array of dictionary values by keys in ascending or descending order. |
ProductJoin | Returns the product of two lists, joined by a separator, as a list of strings. |
MakePair | This transformer will create a list of dictionary by aggregating elements from two arrays. |
IPv4Blacklist | Transformer that returns a filtered list of IPv4 addresses, based on whether they do not match a comma-separated list of IPv4 ranges. Useful for filtering out internal IP address space. |
CIDRBiggerThanPrefix | Checks whether a given CIDR prefix is bigger than the defined maximum prefix. |
RegexExtractAll | Extraction of all matches from a specified regular expression pattern from a provided string. Returns an array of results. This differs from RegexGroups in several ways:
AfterRelativeDate | Checks the given datetime has occured after the provided relative time. |
ConcatFormat | Returns a string concatenated with given a prefix and suffix which supports DT expressions. |
AppendIfNotEmpty | Append item(s) to the end of the list if they are not empty. |
IgnoreFieldsFromJson | Removed selected fields from the JSON object. |
MapRangeValues | This script converts an input value into another value using two lists. The input value or range is searched in the first list (map_from). Example 1: map_from = "1,2,3,4" Output is "2" Example 2: map_from = "1-3,4" Output is "5". |
SumList | Sums a List This is an example for number transformer. |
IsRFC1918Address | A filter that receives a single IPv4 address string as an input and determines whether it is in the private RFC-1918 address space (,, For more information, see |
FirstArrayElement | Returns the first element of an array. If the value passed is not an array, it returns the original value that was passed. |
IPv4Whitelist | Transformer that returns a filtered list of IPv4 addresses, based on whether they match a comma-separated list of IPv4 ranges. Useful for filtering in internal IP address space. |
DateStringToISOFormat | This is a thin wrapper around the |
ExtractEmailTransformer | Extracts email addresses from the given value. |
IsInCidrRanges | Determines whether an IPv4 or IPv6 address is contained in at least one of the comma-delimited CIDR ranges. Multiple IPv4/IPv6 addresses can be passed comma-delimited and each will be tested. A mix of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses will always return false. |
EmailDomainWhitelist | Accepts an array of domains as an allow list, and a list of email addresses. The script then filters out any email address whose domain is not in the allow list. The filtered list will be returned as an array. |
ExtractInbetween | Extract a string from an existing string. |
StringToArray | Converts string to array. |
MergeDictArray | Each entry in an array is merged into the existing array if the keyed-value matches. |
GreaterCidrNumAddresses | Check if number of availble addresses in IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR is greater than given number. |
TimeComponents | Takes a date or time input and get time components in a specific time zone.
Name | Description |
IPv4Whitelist | Transformer that returns a filtered list of IPv4 addresses, based on whether they match a comma-separated list of IPv4 ranges. Useful for filtering in internal IP address space. |
StringContainsArray | Checks whether a substring or an array of substrings is within a string array(each item will be checked). Supports single strings as well. For example, for substrings ['a','b','c'] in a string 'a' the script will return true. |
IsRFC1918Address | A filter that receives a single IPv4 address string as an input and determines whether it is in the private RFC-1918 address space (,, For more information, see |
SumList | Sums a List This is an example for number transformer. |
InRange | checks if left side is in range of right side (from,to anotation) |
JoinIfSingleElementOnly | Return the single element in case the array has only 1 element in it, otherwise return the whole array. |
ReverseList | Reverse a list This is an example for entire-list transformer - it operates the argument as a list (note the "entirelist" tag). |
CIDRBiggerThanPrefix | Checks whether a given CIDR prefix is bigger than the defined maximum prefix. |
StringToArray | Converts string to array. |
StringifyArray | Return the string encoded with JSON from the whole array |
SortBy | This transformer will sort an array of dictionary values by keys in ascending or descending order. |
FormattedDateToEpoch | Converts a custom-formatted timestamp to UNIX epoch time. Use it to convert custom time stamps to a XSOAR date field. If you pass formatter argument, we will use it to transform. If not, we will use dateparser.parse for transforming. For more info, see: |
TimeComponents | Takes a date or time input and get time components in a specific time zone.
WhereFieldEquals | Return all items from the list where their given 'field' attribute is equal to 'equalTo' argument E.g. !WhereFieldEquals with the following arguments:
Will return all items names where field 'type' equals 'IP' - ['192.1,0.82', '']. |
ExtractEmailTransformer | Extracts email addresses from the given value. |
LastArrayElement | Returns the last element of an array. If the value passed is not an array, it returns the original value that was passed. |
URLEncode | Encodes a URL string by replacing special characters in the string using the %xx escape. For example: converts to |
TimeStampToDate | Converts UNIX Epoch time stamp to a simplified extended ISO format string. Use it to convert time stamp to Demisto date field e.g. 1525006939 will return '2018-04-29T13:02:19.000Z' |
GetRange | Gets specified indexes of a list. |
DT | This automation allows the usage of DT scripts within playbooks transformers |
MapValuesTransformer | This script converts the input value into another value using two lists. The input value is searched in the first list (input_values). Example 1: input_values = "1,2,3,4" Output would be "2" Example 2: input_values ="firstkey: datahere,secondkey: datathere" Output would be: The reason for matching the key AND value pair in a dictionary is to allow the mappig of values that have a specific key name. In most cases, dictionaries will continan key-value pairs in which the values are the same. You might want to change the value of KeyA, but not the value of KeyB. This method gives control over which key is changed. When the input is a dict, str , int, or list, the output is ALWAYS returned as a string. |
IgnoreFieldsFromJson | Removed selected fields from the JSON object. |
AppendIfNotEmpty | Append item(s) to the end of the list if they are not empty. |
GetValuesOfMultipleFields | The script receives a list of fields and a context key base path. For example, Key=Test.result List=username,user and will get all of the values from Test.result.username and Test.result.user. |
ConvertToSingleElementArray | Converts a single string to an array of that string. |
ExtractInbetween | Extract a string from an existing string. |
RemoveMatches | Removes items from the given list of values if they match any of the patterns in the provided |
Base64Decode | Decodes an input in Base64 format. |
IPv4Blacklist | Transformer that returns a filtered list of IPv4 addresses, based on whether they do not match a comma-separated list of IPv4 ranges. Useful for filtering out internal IP address space. |
MapPattern | This transformer will take in a value and transform it based on multiple condition expressions (wildcard, regex, etc) defined in a JSON dictionary structure. The key:value pair of the JSON dictionary should be: "condition expression": "desired outcome" For example: { The transformer will return the value matched to a pattern following to the priority. |
SetIfEmpty | Checks an object for an empty value and returns a pre-set default value. |
ConvertKeysToTableFieldFormat | Convert object keys to match table keys. |
ParseJSON | Parse a given JSON string "value" to a representative object. Example: '{"a": "value"}' => {"a": "value"}. |
IsNotInCidrRanges | Checks whether an IPv4 or IPv6 address is not contained in one or more comma-delimited CIDR ranges. |
ModifyDateTime | Takes a date or time input and adds or subtracts a determined amount of time. Returns a string in date or time in ISO Format. |
If-Then-Else | A transformer for simple if-then-else logic. |
ConvertAllExcept | Convert all chosen values but exceptions. |
MergeDictArray | Each entry in an array is merged into the existing array if the keyed-value matches. |
AfterRelativeDate | Checks the given datetime has occured after the provided relative time. |
RegexReplace | Format patterns matched with regex. If the regex does not match any pattern, the original value is returned. Example 1: Example 2: |
If-Elif | A transformer for if-elif-else logic. |
AnyMatch | Returns all elements from the left side that have a substring that is equal to an element from the right side. Note: This filter is case-insensitive. |
BetweenDates | Whether value is within a date range. |
RemoveEmpty | Remove empty items, entries or nodes from the array. |
MapRangeValues | This script converts an input value into another value using two lists. The input value or range is searched in the first list (map_from). Example 1: map_from = "1,2,3,4" Output is "2" Example 2: map_from = "1-3,4" Output is "5". |
ConcatFormat | Returns a string concatenated with given a prefix and suffix which supports DT expressions. |
BetweenHours | Checks whether the given value is within the specified time (hour) range. |
EmailDomainWhitelist | Accepts an array of domains as an allow list, and a list of email addresses. The script then filters out any email address whose domain is not in the allow list. The filtered list will be returned as an array. |
MakePair | This transformer will create a list of dictionary by aggregating elements from two arrays. |
JsonToTable | Accepts a json object and returns a markdown. |
CheckIfSubdomain | Checks whether a given domain is a subdomain of one of the listed domains. |
RegexExpand | Extract the strings matched to the patterns by doing backslash substitution on the template string. |
RegexExtractAll | Extraction of all matches from a specified regular expression pattern from a provided string. Returns an array of results. This differs from RegexGroups in several ways:
FirstArrayElement | Returns the first element of an array. If the value passed is not an array, it returns the original value that was passed. |
EmailDomainBlacklist | Accepts an array of domains as a block list, and a list of email addresses. The script then filters out any email address whose domain is in the block list. The filtered list will be returned as an array. |
DedupBy | This transformer will remove elements of the array that contain an identical combination of values for the keys given. |
jmespath | Performs a JMESPath search on an input JSON format, when using a transformer. |
URLDecode | Converts |
ProductJoin | Returns the product of two lists, joined by a separator, as a list of strings. |
PadZeros | Adds zeros (0) to the beginning of the string, until the string reaches the specified length. |
LowerCidrNumAddresses | Check if number of availble addresses in IPv4 CIDR is lower than given number. |
StripChars | Strip set of characters from prefix and/or suffix |
GreaterCidrNumAddresses | Check if number of availble addresses in IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR is greater than given number. |
IsInCidrRanges | Determines whether an IPv4 or IPv6 address is contained in at least one of the comma-delimited CIDR ranges. Multiple IPv4/IPv6 addresses can be passed comma-delimited and each will be tested. A mix of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses will always return false. |
ParseHTMLTables | Find tables inside HTML and extract the contents into objects using the following logic:
DateStringToISOFormat | This is a thin wrapper around the |
Cut | Cut a string by delimiter and return specific fields. Exampleinput: "A-B-C-D-E" return: "A-E". |
FormatTemplate | Build text from a template that can include DT expressions. |
RegexGroups | Extraction of elements which are contained in all the subgroups of the match to the pattern. |
Pack Name | Pack By |
Base | By: Cortex XSOAR |
Pack Name | Pack By |
Pack Name | Pack By |
Base | By: Cortex XSOAR |
Certification | Certified | Read more |
Supported By | Cortex | |
Created | January 4, 2022 | |
Last Release | December 15, 2024 |