Integrate your Mandiant Advantage Threat Intelligence data with Cortex XSOAR
Cortex XSOAR interfaces with Mandiant Advantage Threat Intelligence to allow you to easily query Mandiant's Threat
Intelligence information.
This pack enables you to query for Indicators of Compromise, CVEs, Campaigns, Threat Actors, or Malware Families, as well
as providing additional information about the relationships between these various entities.
What does this pack do?
- Query for and enrich Indicators of Compromise (FQDNs, URLs, IP Addresses, and File Hashes)
- Query for and enrich CVEs
- Query for and view Threat Actors and Malware Families
- Provide a feed of new and updated intelligence from the Mandiant Advantage Threat Intelligence API
Cortex interfaces with Mandiant Advantage Threat Intelligence to allow you to easily query Mandiant's Threat
Intelligence information.
This pack enables you to query for Indicators of Compromise, CVEs, Campaigns, Threat Actors, or Malware Families, as well
as providing additional information about the relationships between these various entities.
What does this pack do?
- Query for and enrich Indicators of Compromise (FQDNs, URLs, IP Addresses, and File Hashes)
- Query for and enrich CVEs
- Query for and view Threat Actors and Malware Families
- Provide a feed of new and updated intelligence from the Mandiant Advantage Threat Intelligence API