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Microsoft Graph Applications

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Use this pack to manage connected applications and services

An application provides authorization access to your APIs. An instance of the application is a service principal. Using this integration you can retrieve a list of the service principals. If you find a service principal that has suspicious permissions, or if you see suspicious behavior of a service principal, you can remove that service principal.

What does this pack do?

The Azure Active Directory Applications integration enables you to:

  • Retrieve a detailed list of service principals.
  • Remove a service principal from the directory.

An application provides authorization access to your APIs. An instance of the application is a service principal. Using this integration you can retrieve a list of the service principals. If you find a service principal that has suspicious permissions, or if you see suspicious behavior of a service principal, you can remove that service principal.

What does this pack do?

The Azure Active Directory Applications integration enables you to:

  • Retrieve a detailed list of service principals.
  • Remove a service principal from the directory.



Cortex XSOARCortex XSIAM


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Supported ByCortex
CreatedFebruary 21, 2021
Last ReleaseMarch 26, 2025

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