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Popular Cybersecurity News

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Pack contains an Integration to fetch recent news from Popular security news sites like The Hacker News, Krebs on Security and Threatpost. Contains Playbook (to be run as a Job), News incident type and Layout including a grid for viewing the news articles along with redirects.

How to use this pack ?

  1. Enable the "Popular News" integration.
  2. Create a Job that creates an incident of - "News Type" included along with the Popular Cybersecurity News Pack.
  3. The News Type incident will run the "JOB Popular News" playbook automatically and populate the "News Tab" where the links can be looked at
  4. Additionally, the playbook allows the user to configure to choose between the three sources using the Playbook inputs.

How to use this pack ?

  1. Enable the "Popular News" integration.
  2. Create a Job that creates an incident of - "News Type" included along with the Popular Cybersecurity News Pack.
  3. The News Type incident will run the "JOB Popular News" playbook automatically and populate the "News Tab" where the links can be looked at
  4. Additionally, the playbook allows the user to configure to choose between the three sources using the Playbook inputs.


Cortex XSOARCortex XSIAM


Supported ByCommunity
CreatedMarch 12, 2021
Last ReleaseMarch 26, 2025

Content packs are licensed by the Publisher identified above and subject to the Publisher’s own licensing terms. Palo Alto Networks is not liable for and does not warrant or support any content pack produced by a third-party Publisher, whether or not such packs are designated as “Palo Alto Networks-certified” or otherwise.