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Proofpoint Protection Server

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Proofpoint email security appliance.

Proofpoint Protection Server (PPS)

This pack provides a Cortex XSOAR integration for Proofpoint Protection Server.
Additionally, it supports Syslog-based log ingestion from Proofpoint Protection Server and includes parsing and modeling rules (XDM mapping) for Cortex XSIAM.

Configuration on Proofpoint Server Side

  1. Log in to the Proofpoint Protection Server interface.
  2. Click Logs and Reports.
  3. Click Log Settings.
  4. Go to the Remote Log Options panel.
  5. From Syslog Protocol Select TCP or UDP.
  6. In Syslog Host, type the IP address or Hostname of your Broker VM.
  7. In Syslog Port, type 514 or any other preferred port.
  8. Enable the Syslog Filter Enable by clicking On.
  9. In the Facility list select the local1 value.
  10. In the Level list select the Information value.
  11. Enable Syslog MTA Enable by clicking On.
  12. In the Facility list select the mail value.
  13. In the Level list select the Information value.
  14. Click the Save Changes.

To review the Proofpoint Protection Server Syslog forwarding docs, click here.

Collect Events from Proofpoint Protection Server

In order to use the collector, use the Broker VM option.

Broker VM

To create or configure the Broker VM, use the information described here.

You can configure the specific vendor and product for this instance.

  1. Navigate to Settings > Configuration > Data Broker > Broker VMs.
  2. Go to the apps tab and add the Syslog app. If it already exists, click the Syslog app and then click Configure.
  3. Click Add New.
  4. When configuring the Syslog Collector, set the following values (not relevant for CEF and LEEF formats):
    | Parameter: : | Value : |
    | Protocol | Set the Syslog Protocol defined on Proofpoint PS side (TCP or UDP) |
    | Port | Enter the Syslog Port that Cortex XSIAM Broker VM should listen on for receiving forwarded events from Proofpoint PS |
    | Vendor | Enter proofpoint |
    | Product | Enter ps |

Proofpoint Protection Server (PPS)

This pack provides a Cortex integration for Proofpoint Protection Server.
Additionally, it supports Syslog-based log ingestion from Proofpoint Protection Server and includes parsing and modeling rules (XDM mapping) for Cortex XSIAM.

Configuration on Proofpoint Server Side

  1. Log in to the Proofpoint Protection Server interface.
  2. Click Logs and Reports.
  3. Click Log Settings.
  4. Go to the Remote Log Options panel.
  5. From Syslog Protocol Select TCP or UDP.
  6. In Syslog Host, type the IP address or Hostname of your Broker VM.
  7. In Syslog Port, type 514 or any other preferred port.
  8. Enable the Syslog Filter Enable by clicking On.
  9. In the Facility list select the local1 value.
  10. In the Level list select the Information value.
  11. Enable Syslog MTA Enable by clicking On.
  12. In the Facility list select the mail value.
  13. In the Level list select the Information value.
  14. Click the Save Changes.

To review the Proofpoint Protection Server Syslog forwarding docs, click here.

Collect Events from Proofpoint Protection Server

In order to use the collector, use the Broker VM option.

Broker VM

To create or configure the Broker VM, use the information described here.

You can configure the specific vendor and product for this instance.

  1. Navigate to Settings > Configuration > Data Broker > Broker VMs.
  2. Go to the apps tab and add the Syslog app. If it already exists, click the Syslog app and then click Configure.
  3. Click Add New.
  4. When configuring the Syslog Collector, set the following values (not relevant for CEF and LEEF formats):
    | Parameter: : | Value : |
    | Protocol | Set the Syslog Protocol defined on Proofpoint PS side (TCP or UDP) |
    | Port | Enter the Syslog Port that Cortex XSIAM Broker VM should listen on for receiving forwarded events from Proofpoint PS |
    | Vendor | Enter proofpoint |
    | Product | Enter ps |



Cortex XSOARCortex XSIAM


CertificationRead more
Supported ByCortex
CreatedJuly 22, 2020
Last ReleaseMarch 4, 2025

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