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Integration to handle Ubirch incidents.

Product Overview

The UBIRCH solution can be seen as an external data certification provider, as a data notary service, giving data receivers the capability to verify data they have received with regard to its authenticity and integrity and correctness of sequence.

The solution seals/certifies data (like IoT measurements) at the point of data creation, milliseconds after its ‘birth’. Those certificates (we call them seals because there is more to them) get anchored through a two level architecture into a common ground of truth - the blockchain. By applying powerful, military-grade cryptography and blockchain technology, the UBIRCH solution creates an immutable, irrefutable hence incontestable chain of trust, starting at the source, enabling the receiver to verify received data. The verification is not done against a database, but through the UBIRCH Trust API against the blockchain, delivering all the cryptographic information needed to prove the chain.

By applying strong cryptography and blockchain technology the UBIRCH solution guarantees, that

  • data manipulation cannot go undetected
  • data deletion cannot go undetected
  • data injection cannot go undetected
  • data is effectively received in the original transmission sequence
  • data effectively originated from the stipulated sender
  • data effectively transmitted at indicated time

All those guarantees are already attached to the data on the edge, on any device itself, before data reaches the cloud and therefore applies across any system boundaries.

Product Overview

The UBIRCH solution can be seen as an external data certification provider, as a data notary service, giving data receivers the capability to verify data they have received with regard to its authenticity and integrity and correctness of sequence.

The solution seals/certifies data (like IoT measurements) at the point of data creation, milliseconds after its ‘birth’. Those certificates (we call them seals because there is more to them) get anchored through a two level architecture into a common ground of truth - the blockchain. By applying powerful, military-grade cryptography and blockchain technology, the UBIRCH solution creates an immutable, irrefutable hence incontestable chain of trust, starting at the source, enabling the receiver to verify received data. The verification is not done against a database, but through the UBIRCH Trust API against the blockchain, delivering all the cryptographic information needed to prove the chain.

By applying strong cryptography and blockchain technology the UBIRCH solution guarantees, that

  • data manipulation cannot go undetected
  • data deletion cannot go undetected
  • data injection cannot go undetected
  • data is effectively received in the original transmission sequence
  • data effectively originated from the stipulated sender
  • data effectively transmitted at indicated time

All those guarantees are already attached to the data on the edge, on any device itself, before data reaches the cloud and therefore applies across any system boundaries.



Cortex XSOARCortex XSIAM


CertificationRead more
Supported ByPartner
CreatedJune 22, 2021
Last ReleaseNovember 26, 2024

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