This integration checks an external dynamic list provided by the XSOAR Generic Indicators Export Service, to validate it is responding as required.
Only supports EDLs hosted off the XSOAR server, and requires the following server configuration be set from Settings -> About -> Troubleshooting
instance.execute.external = true
Configure an instance of the XSOAR EDL Checker integration and provide the name of the instance name from the XSOAR Generic Indicators Export Service.
If you configured the integration instance to support basic auth, provide or select the credentials to be used.
Using it
Run the xsoaredlchecker-get-edl command from the command line or playbook to check the EDLs.
This will check all instances, then you can do some magic in the playbook to see if anything isn't OK and notify!
Alternatively, you can run the automation XSOAREDLChecker to return a consolidated output of all instances of the integration.