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Fetches the issues associated with a particular asset from the CyCognito platform.

The CyCognito platform provides external attack surface management and vulnerability management to deliver attack surface protection. It does this by combining the market’s most advanced external attack surface management (EASM) capabilities with automated continuous testing, to discover the paths of least resistance that attackers are most likely to use to compromise organizations.

What does this pack do?

  • Ingests security issues found in your organization's assets.
  • Contains a comprehensive dashboard that outlays the issues in your organization's assets at a quick glance.
  • Includes a rich layout that displays information about issues and provides quick links to the CyCognito platform.
  • Facilitates bi-directional mirroring of issues.

The CyCognito platform provides external attack surface management and vulnerability management to deliver attack surface protection. It does this by combining the market’s most advanced external attack surface management (EASM) capabilities with automated continuous testing, to discover the paths of least resistance that attackers are most likely to use to compromise organizations.

What does this pack do?

  • Ingests security issues found in your organization's assets.
  • Contains a comprehensive dashboard that outlays the issues in your organization's assets at a quick glance.
  • Includes a rich layout that displays information about issues and provides quick links to the CyCognito platform.
  • Facilitates bi-directional mirroring of issues.



Cortex XSOARCortex XSIAM


CertificationRead more
Supported ByPartner
CreatedNovember 14, 2022
Last ReleaseMarch 12, 2025

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