Pack Contributors:
- Francisco Javier Fernández Jiménez
- Timothy Roberts
Contributions are welcome and appreciated. For more info, visit our Contribution Guide.
This Content Pack will get you up and running in no-time and provide you with the most commonly used incident & indicator fields and types.
Contributions are welcome and appreciated. For more info, visit our Contribution Guide.
Contributions are welcome and appreciated. For more info, visit our Contribution Guide.
Name | Description |
Mail Listener - Classifier | Classifies phishing email messages. |
Mail Listener - Incoming Mapper | Maps incoming phishing email messages fields. |
Name | Description |
Description | The description of the incident |
Process Name | |
Approver | The person who approved or needs to approve the request. |
Vulnerable Product | |
Detected User | |
Parent Process | |
File Upload | Used to upload files to incidents in a way that would make them distinguishable from the rest of the incident files. This field can be used, for example, to execute commands on manually uploaded files with the click of an incident layout button. |
Ticket Acknowledged Date | |
Close Time | The closing time. |
MITRE Tactic ID | |
Detection Update Time | |
Street Address | |
Source MAC Address | The source MAC address in an event. |
Agent Version | Reporting Agent/Sensor Version |
Email Sent Successfully | Whether the email has been successfully sent. |
External ID | |
OutgoingMirrorError | |
Application Id | Application Id |
URL SSL Verification | Indicates whether the URLs passed the SSL certificate verification. |
Device MAC Address | |
Is Active | Alert status |
Post Nat Source Port | The source port after NAT. |
Related Endpoints | |
Display Name | Display Name |
Source Hostname | The hostname that performed the port scan. |
Technical Owner | The technical owner of the asset. |
IP Reputation | |
Start Time | The time when the offense started. |
Detection SLA | The time it took from incident creation until the maliciousness was determined. |
Detected External Hosts | Detected external hosts |
Approval Status | The status for the approval of the request. |
Error Code | |
Src Ports | The source ports of the event. |
Assigned User | Assigned User |
Tenant Name | Tenant Name |
Destination Hostname | Destination hostname |
Policy Details | |
Alert Action | Alert action as received from the integration JSON |
Changed | The user who changed this incident |
Detected Internal IPs | Detected internal IPs |
Detected External IPs | Detected external IPs |
ASN | |
userAccountControl | userAccountControl |
Cloud Account ID | |
Manager Name | Manager Name |
Event Names | The event name (translated QID ) in the event. |
Alert Category | The category of the alert |
User Id | User Id |
Number Of Found Related Alerts | Medium or Higher Severity Alerts |
End Time | The time when the offense ended. |
High Risky Hosts | |
similarIncidents | |
MITRE Technique ID | |
Risk Name | |
Employee Manager Email | The email address of the employee's manager. |
Detected Internal Hosts | Detected internal hosts |
Password Changed Date | |
Category Count | The number of categories that are associated with the offense. |
Policy Description | |
External System ID | |
Technical Owner Contact | The contact details for the technical owner. |
Policy Actions | |
Parent Process Name | |
Usernames | The username in the event. |
Region ID | |
Country Code | |
External Sub Category Name | |
Surname | Surname |
Compliance Notes | Notes regarding the assets compliance. |
Error Message | The error message that contains details about the error that occurred. |
Attack Patterns | |
Internal Addresses | |
Device External IP | Device External IP |
Account Name | Account Name |
MITRE Technique Name | |
Alert Source | |
Source External IPs | |
Employee Display Name | The display name of the employee. |
Source Urgency | Source Urgency |
Event ID | Event ID |
Sensor IP | |
Team name | |
Suspicious Executions | |
Process Path | |
Alert Attack Time | |
Destination Geolocation | The destination geolocation of the event. |
Manager Email Address | |
Similar incidents Dbot | |
Unique Ports | |
Failed Logon Events Timeframe | The timeframe which the failed logon events occurred in. |
Username | The username of the account who logged in. |
Related Campaign | |
Source Create time | |
Job Family | Job Family |
Cloud Service | |
Tactic ID | |
Src Hostname | Source hostname |
Parent CMD line | |
Appliance ID | Appliance ID as received from the integration JSON |
Number Of Log Sources | The number of log sources related to the offense. |
Asset Name | |
Pre Nat Destination Port | The destination port before NAT. |
First Seen | |
CVSS | |
Pre Nat Source IP | The source IP before NAT. |
Policy Deleted | |
Suspicious Executions Found | |
Tactic | |
CVSS Integrity Requirement | The CVSS integrity requirement for the asset. |
Country Name | Country Name |
File MD5 | |
Policy Severity | |
Given Name | Given Name |
Rendered HTML | The HTML content in a rendered form. |
File Relationships | |
Users | |
Traffic Direction | The direction of the traffic in the event. |
Destination IPs | The destination IPs of the event. |
Sub Category | The sub category |
Verification Method | The method used to verify the user. |
Closing User | The closing user. |
File Size | File Size |
Duration | |
Primary Email Address | |
Event Descriptions | The description of the event name. |
File SHA1 | |
Alert Name | Alert name as received from the integration JSON |
Assignment Group | |
Raw Event | The unparsed event data. |
Src NT Domain | Source NT Domain |
Country | The country from which the user logged in. |
Srcs | The source values. |
EmailCampaignSummary | |
Alert tags | |
Asset ID | |
Identity Type | |
Report Name | |
Application Name | Application Name |
Mobile Phone | |
Operation Name | |
High Level Categories | The high level categories in the events. |
Post Nat Source IP | The source IP address after NAT. |
Tool Usage Found | |
Protocol names | |
Registry Value | |
External Confidence | |
Log Source Name | The log source name associated with the event. |
Destination IPV6 | The destination IPV6 address. |
Detected IPs | |
Hostnames | The hostname in the event. |
Project ID | |
SSDeep | |
Last Mirrored Time Stamp | The last time the incident was mirrored in. |
SHA512 | SHA512 |
IncomingMirrorError | |
Leadership | |
External Severity | |
Zip Code | Zip Code |
Command Line Verdict | |
Closing Reason | The closing reason |
OS | The operating system. |
User Creation Time | |
Number of similar files | |
Bugtraq | |
Device Username | The username of the user that owns the device |
Cloud Operation Type | |
App message | |
Source Category | |
Classification | Incident Classification |
Device OU | Device's OU path in Active Directory |
CVE Published | |
Last Seen | |
Timezone | |
EmailCampaignMutualIndicators | |
Event Action | Action taken on user accounts - Create, Update, Deactivate, Reactivate |
Affected Hosts | |
Technique ID | |
Risk Rating | |
Verification Status | The status of the user verification. |
Custom Query Results | |
Detected Endpoints | |
User Groups | |
User Anomaly Count | |
Department | Department |
Account ID | |
Exposure Level | |
Parent Process File Path | |
Registry Key | |
File Hash | |
CVE | |
Last Modified By | |
Destination MAC Address | The destination MAC address in an event. |
Subtype | Subtype |
External Category ID | |
Command Line | Command Line |
File Name | |
Resource URL | |
Policy URI | |
Org Level 2 | |
Log Source Type | The log source type associated with the event. |
Isolated | Isolated |
External Addresses | |
External Link | |
Comment | The comments related with the incident |
Application Path | |
Device Time | The time from the original logging device when the event occurred. |
Additional Email Addresses | |
Cost Center Code | Cost Center Code |
Device Name | Device Name |
Location Region | Location Region |
Blocked Action | Blocked Action |
Endpoint | |
Risk Score | |
Post Nat Destination Port | The destination port after NAT. |
IP Blocked Status | |
Appliance Name | Appliance name as received from the integration JSON |
Ticket Opened Date | |
Device Model | Device Model |
UUID | UUID as received from the integration JSON |
Registration Email | |
Destination IP | The IP address the impossible traveler logged in to. |
App | |
URLs | |
Policy Type | |
Cloud Region List | |
Domain Registrar Abuse Email | |
Macro Source Code | In case there's a macro in a Microsoft file such as docm, xlsm or pptm, this field will hold the source code of the macro. |
Source Port | The source port that was used |
File Names | |
Block Indicators Status | |
Referenced Resource Name | |
Group ID | |
Objective | |
Policy Remediable | |
Destination Network | |
Additional Data | |
Containment SLA | The time it took to contain the incident. |
User Block Status | |
External End Time | |
Use Case Description | |
Cost Center | Cost Center |
Hunt Results Count | |
Tags | |
OS Version | OS Version |
Phone Number | Phone number |
Signature | |
Device Id | Device Id |
Vendor Product | |
Critical Assets | A table of critical assets involved in the incident, including the name and asset type. |
Password Reset Successfully | Whether the password has been successfully reset. |
Device OS Version | |
User SID | |
Title | Title |
File SHA256 | |
DNS Name | The DNS name of the asset. |
MITRE Tactic Name | |
File Creation Date | |
Parent Process MD5 | |
Job Function | Job Function |
SHA1 | SHA1 |
Src User | Source User |
User Agent | |
Time to Assignment | The time it took from when the incident was created until a user was assigned to it. |
Pre Nat Source Port | The source port before NAT. |
Org Level 1 | |
Remediation SLA | The time it took since remediation of the incident began, and until it ended. |
Attack Mode | Attack mode as received from the integration JSON |
Process ID | |
External Status | |
Full Name | Person's Full Name |
Source Status | |
ASN Name | |
Region | |
Post Nat Destination IP | The destination IP address after NAT. |
Part of Campaign | The ID of the campaign incident of which the current incident is part of. |
Process SHA256 | |
CMD line | |
Device Local IP | Device Local IP |
Registry Hive | |
Threat Hunting Detected Hostnames | |
Device Status | |
CVSS Availability Requirement | The CVSS availability requirement for the asset. |
Source Priority | |
app channel name | |
Device Internal IPs | |
Endpoint Isolation Status | |
Protocols | |
Account Status | |
Last Update Time | |
Dsts | The destination values. |
Additional Indicators | |
Dst Ports | The destination ports of the event. |
Events | The events associated with the offense. |
Personal Email | |
Rating | |
Process Names | |
Policy ID | |
Source Network | |
Related Report | |
Number of Related Incidents | |
Mobile Device Model | |
Log Source | Log Source |
Affected Users | |
Dest OS | Destination OS |
Source IPs | The source IPs of the event. |
Source Username | The username that was the source of the attack. |
Alert Malicious | Whether the alert is malicious. |
Tools | |
Process CMD | |
Agents ID | |
Caller | |
High Risky Users | |
Vendor ID | |
Domain Name | |
Verdict | |
Vulnerability Category | |
External Sub Category ID | |
sAMAccountName | User sAMAAccountName |
MAC Address | MAC Address |
Account Member Of | |
Alert ID | Alert ID as received from the integration JSON |
Source Id | |
Parent Process SHA256 | |
Alert Rules | |
Country Code Number | |
Domain Squatting Result | The result of the domain-squatting check for the attacker's email. |
Protocol - Event | The network protocol in the event. |
Alert Acknowledgement | Alert acknowledgement as received from the integration JSON |
Agent ID | Agent ID |
Item Owner Email | |
Detected Users | Detected users |
Source Geolocation | The source geolocation of the event. |
Work Phone | |
Resource Name | |
Rule Name | The name of a YARA rule |
Resource Type | |
Policy Recommendation | |
First Name | First Name |
Technical User | The technical user of the asset. |
Triggered Security Profile | Triggered Security Profile |
Threat Name | Define the threat name such as malware/exploit/phishing/etc |
Threat Hunting Detected IP | |
User Engagement Response | |
Endpoints Details | |
Selected Indicators | Includes the indicators selected by the user. |
Source Updated by | |
Item Owner | |
Src | Source |
Org Level 3 | |
Triage SLA | The time it took to investigate and enrich incident information. |
Last Modified On | |
Low Level Categories Events | The low level category of the event. |
User Risk Level | |
Scenario | |
Categories | The categories for the incident. |
Birthday | Person's Birthday |
Protocol | Protocol |
Ticket Closed Date | |
Users Details | |
External Start Time | |
Referenced Resource ID | |
Job Code | Job Code |
List Of Rules - Event | The list of rules associated to an event. |
Reporter Email Address | The email address of the user who reported the email. |
City | |
Source IPV6 | The source IPV6 address. |
CVE ID | |
Destination Networks | |
String Similarity Results | |
EmailCampaignCanvas | |
Escalation | |
File Path | |
Source IP | The IP Address that the user initially logged in from. |
File Paths | |
CVSS Collateral Damage Potential | The CVSS collateral damage potential of the asset. |
SHA256 | SHA256 |
Location | Location |
Event Type | Event Type |
Process MD5 | |
External Category Name | |
CVSS Confidentiality Requirement | The CVSS confidentiality requirement of the asset. |
Investigation Stage | The stage of the investigation. |
Employee Email | The email address of the employee. |
Parent Process IDs | |
Failed Logon Events | The number of failed logon events in a specific timeframe. Can be used with reference to the "Failed Logon Events Timeframe" field. |
Domain Updated Date | |
Source Networks | |
Process Paths | |
Incident Duration | How long it took for the playbook of the incident to finish, from the moment it started. |
SKU Name | |
Detection URL | URL of the ExtraHop Reveal(x) detection |
Device Hash | Device Hash |
Detection End Time | |
Related Alerts | |
Alert Type ID | |
OS Type | OS Type |
Dest Hostname | Destination hostname |
Alert URL | Alert URL as received from the integration JSON |
Threat Family Name | Threat Family Name Associated with an Attacking Vector. I.E. Meterpreter as toolkit or Extortion\ÖżFraud\Espionage |
Status Reason | |
File Access Date | |
State | State |
Parent Process CMD | |
Last Name | Last Name |
RemovedFromCampaigns | |
Destination Port | The destination port used. |
Org Unit | |
CMD | |
EmailCampaignSnippets | |
Device OS Name | |
Src OS | Src OS |
Registry Value Type | |
Ticket Number | |
MD5 | MD5 |
Technique | |
Follow Up | True if marked for follow up. |
Child Process | |
Acquisition Hire | |
Device External IPs | |
Sensor Name | |
Resource ID | |
Source Created By | |
Dest | Destination |
Campaign Name | |
Cloud Instance ID | Cloud Instance ID |
Incident Link | |
External Last Updated Time | |
Dest NT Domain | Destination NT Domain |
Detection ID | |
Parent Process Path | |
Process Creation Time | |
Cloud Resource List |
Name | Description |
Reconnaissance | |
Policy Violation | |
Defacement | |
Exploit | |
Vulnerability | |
Exfiltration | |
Lateral Movement | |
C2Communication | |
UnknownBinary | |
Hunt | |
Indicator Feed | |
Simulation | |
Network | |
Authentication | |
Job | |
DoS |
Name | Description |
Detection Engines | Total number of engines that checked the indicator |
X.509 v3 Extensions | |
Registrar Name | |
CPE | Specifies the Common Platform Enumeration (CPE) entry for the software, if available. The value for this property MUST be a CPE v2.3 entry from the official NVD CPE Dictionary |
Indicator Identification | |
City | City |
Registrar Abuse Email | |
Mobile Phone | |
Given Name | Given Name |
Operating System Refs | |
Organization Type | |
Job Family | |
Kill Chain Phases | The list of Kill Chain Phases for which this object is used. |
Infrastructure Types | |
Organization Prevalence | The number of times the indicator is detected in the organization. |
Account Type | |
CVSS Score | |
Size | |
Certificate Signature | |
Goals | |
SHA256 | |
Rank | Used to display rank from different sources |
Targets | |
Threat Actor Types | |
MD5 | |
Validity Not After | Specifies the date on which the certificate validity period ends. |
User ID | |
Positive Detections | Number of engines that positively detected the indicator as malicious |
Commands | |
Force Sync | Whether to force user synchronization. |
Actor | |
PEM | Certificate in PEM format. |
CVSS | |
Threat Types | The threat category associated to this indicator by the source vendor. For example, Phishing, Command \u0026 Control, TOR, etc. |
Office365Required | |
MAC Address | |
Operating System | |
STIX ID | An identifier uniquely identifies a STIX Object and MAY do so in a deterministic way |
Mitre ID | |
DHCP Server | |
Associated File Names | |
Updated Date | |
Cost Center Code | |
STIX Description | |
SWID | Specifies the Software Identification (SWID) tags entry for the software |
Category | |
STIX Resource Level | |
Registrar Abuse Country | |
Registrant Country | |
STIX Primary Motivation. | |
Aliases | Alternative names used to identify this object |
Domains | |
CVSS Version | |
STIX Sophistication | |
Registrar Abuse Name | |
Vendor | |
Org Level 3 | |
Identity class | The type of entity that this Identity describes, e.g., an individual or organization. |
Subject DN | Subject Distinguished Name |
Groups | |
Work Phone | |
Reports | |
Country Code Number | |
CVSS Table | |
Geo Country | |
Signature Authentihash | |
Subject Alternative Names | |
Campaign | |
ASN | |
Tool Version | |
Street Address | |
Assigned user | |
Query Language | |
STIX Aliases | Alternative names used to identify this object |
Domain IDN Name | |
Name Field | |
State | |
Signature Original Name | |
Community Notes | |
SSDeep | |
CVSS Vector | |
Job Function | |
Report Object References | A list of STIX IDs referenced in the report. |
Organization | |
Description | |
Certificates | |
Acquisition Hire | Whether the employee is an acquisition hire. |
CVSS3 | |
Publications | |
Source Priority | |
Region | |
Geo Location | |
Issuer | |
Blocked | |
Registrar Abuse Address | |
Objective | |
CVE Description | |
Name Servers | |
Organization Last Seen | Date and time when the indicator was last seen in the organization. |
Domain Name | |
Author | |
Manager Email Address | |
Org Level 1 | |
Port | |
Action | |
Location Region | |
STIX Goals | |
STIX Malware Types | |
Secondary Motivations | |
Languages | Specifies the languages supported by the software. The value of each list member MUST be a language code conformant to - RFC5646. |
BIOS Version | |
Vulnerabilities | |
Source Original Severity | The original score/severity provided by the source without DBot translation. |
Admin Phone | |
Quarantined | Whether the indicator is quarantined or isolated |
Service | The specific service of a feed integration from which an indicator was ingested. |
Creation Date | |
STIX Secondary Motivations | |
Office365ExpressRoute | |
Paths | |
STIX Kill Chain Phases | The list of Kill Chain Phases for which this object is used. |
Admin Email | |
Display Name | |
Capabilities | |
Username | |
DNS | |
OS Version | |
Subject | |
Device Model | |
Cost Center | |
Office365Category | |
Processors | |
Operating System Version | |
Registrant Name | |
Implementation Languages | |
Sophistication | |
Subdomains | |
File Extension | |
Published | |
Manager Name | Manager Name |
imphash | |
Organization First Seen | Date and time when the indicator was first seen in the organization. |
Behavior | |
Registrar Abuse Phone | |
First Seen By Source | The first time the indicator was seen by the source vendor. |
Issuer DN | Issuer Distinguished Name |
Last Seen By Source | The last time the indicator was seen by the Source vendor. |
Email Address | |
Download URL | |
Admin Name | |
Confidence | |
Definition | |
Country Code | |
SHA1 | |
Registrant Phone | |
Memory | |
Org Unit | |
Report type | |
Location | |
Malware Family | |
Resource Level | |
Traffic Light Protocol | TLP is a set of designations used to ensure that sensitive information is shared with the appropriate audience. It employs four colors to indicate expected sharing boundaries to be applied by the recipient(s). |
STIX Roles | |
Applications | |
Path | |
Signature Algorithm | |
File Type | |
Certificate Names | |
Number of subkeys | |
Admin Country | |
Product | |
Feed Related Indicators | |
CVE Modified | |
Key Value | |
Malware types | |
Primary Motivation | |
Extension | |
Title | Title |
Whois Records | |
Signature File Version | |
Domain Referring IPs | |
Registrant Email | |
SHA512 | |
Associations | Known associations to other pieces of Threat Data. |
Entry ID | |
Validity Not Before | Specifies the date on which the certificate validity period begins. |
Hostname | |
Signed | |
STIX Threat Actor Types | |
DNS Records | |
Certificate Validation Checks | |
IP Address | |
Tags | |
Name | |
Vulnerable Products | |
Public Key | |
Expiration Date | |
Serial Number | |
Detections | |
AS Owner | |
Personal Email | |
Roles | |
Job Code | Job Code |
Signature Internal Name | |
STIX Tool Types | |
Reported By | The source that reported this indicator. Can be a feed, an incident, or users. |
Internal | |
Is Processed | |
Surname | Surname |
Organizational Unit (OU) | |
Processor | |
Samples | |
Version | |
Zip Code | |
Country Name | |
Leadership | |
STIX Tool Version | |
Architecture | |
Short Description | |
Is Malware Family | |
Signature Description | |
Department | Department |
Domain Status | |
Registrar Abuse Network | |
Tool Types | |
Global Prevalence | The number of times the indicator is detected across all organizations. |
Assigned role | |
Mitre Tactics | |
STIX Is Malware Family | |
Industry sectors | Industry sector is an open vocabulary that describes industrial and commercial sectors. |
Domain Referring Subnets | |
Signature Copyright | |
Org Level 2 | |
SPKI SHA256 | SHA256 fingerprint of Subject Public Key Info |
Name | Description |
Threat Actor | Threat Actor Indicator Layout |
Report | Report Indicator Layout |
Registry Key Indicator | Registry Key Indicator Layout |
Intrusion Set | Intrusion Set Layout |
Attack Pattern | Attack Pattern Indicator Layout |
Indicator Feed Incident | |
CVE Indicator | CVE Indicator Layout |
Mutex | Mutex indicator layout |
Vulnerability Incident | |
ASN | ASN Indicator Layout |
URL Indicator | URL Indicator Layout |
Host Indicator | Host indicator layout |
Course of Action | Course of Action Indicator Layout |
Identity | Identity indicator layout |
Account Indicator | Account Indicator Layout |
Infrastructure | Infrastructure Indicator Layout |
Tool Indicator | Tool Indicator Layout |
IP Indicator | IP Indicator Layout |
Domain Indicator | Domain Indicator Layout |
Email Indicator | Email Indicator Layout |
Campaign | Campaign Indicator Layout |
X509 Certificate | CVE Indicator Layout |
File Indicator | File Indicator Layout |
Software | Software Indicator Layout |
Location | Location indicator layout |
Malware Indicator | Malware Indicator Layout |
Tactic Layout | Tactic Indicator Layout |
Name | Description |
Host | |
Attack Pattern | |
Infrastructure | |
ssdeep | |
URL | |
Registry Key | |
CVE | |
Tool | |
Course of Action | |
Intrusion Set | |
Onion Address | |
CIDR | |
Identity | |
Threat Actor | |
File MD5 | |
File | |
IPv6 | |
ASN | |
Mutex | |
Campaign | |
Malware | |
Report | |
Account | |
Tactic | |
X509 Certificate | |
DomainGlob | |
Software | |
Location | |
File SHA-256 | |
IP | |
IPv6CIDR | |
File SHA-1 | |
Domain |
Name | Description |
Mail Listener - Classifier | Classifies phishing email messages. |
Mail Listener - Incoming Mapper | Maps incoming phishing email messages fields. |
Name | Description |
Detected Internal Hosts | Detected internal hosts |
Subtype | Subtype |
Dsts | The destination values. |
Follow Up | True if marked for follow up. |
Cost Center Code | Cost Center Code |
Number Of Found Related Alerts | Medium or Higher Severity Alerts |
Title | Title |
Event ID | Event ID |
Sensor IP | |
External Start Time | |
Tactic | |
Original Alert ID | Alert ID as received from the integration JSON |
Approval Status | The status for the approval of the request. |
Policy Description | |
Affected Hosts | |
Acquisition Hire | |
Macro Source Code | In case there's a macro in a Microsoft file such as docm, xlsm or pptm, this field will hold the source code of the macro. |
Source Id | |
Device External IPs | |
File SHA1 | |
Detection ID | |
Personal Email | |
Display Name | Display Name |
Risk Rating | |
Surname | Surname |
Cloud Service | |
Work Phone | |
Account Status | |
Rating | |
Operation Name | |
Post Nat Destination Port | The destination port after NAT. |
Tool Usage Found | |
Unique Ports | |
Department | Department |
Pre Nat Source Port | The source port before NAT. |
Location | Location |
Internal Addresses | |
Failed Logon Events | The number of failed logon events in a specific timeframe. Can be used with reference to the "Failed Logon Events Timeframe" field. |
CVE | |
Parent Process IDs | |
First Seen | |
Last Modified By | |
Agent Version | Reporting Agent/Sensor Version |
Technical Owner | The technical owner of the asset. |
Affected Users | |
Suspicious Executions | |
Post Nat Source IP | The source IP address after NAT. |
External Confidence | |
Critical Assets | A table of critical assets involved in the incident, including the name and asset type. |
Detection SLA | The time it took from incident creation until the maliciousness was determined. |
Registry Value Type | |
Isolated | Isolated |
Signature | |
Threat Family Name | Threat Family Name Associated with an Attacking Vector. I.E. Meterpreter as toolkit or Extortion\ÖżFraud\Espionage |
Device MAC Address | |
Technical Owner Contact | The contact details for the technical owner. |
Bugtraq | |
Org Unit | |
Device Name | Device Name |
Selected Indicators | Includes the indicators selected by the user. |
MITRE Tactic Name | |
Attack Patterns | |
Policy URI | |
Log Source Type | The log source type associated with the event. |
Start Time | The time when the offense started. |
SSDeep | |
State | State |
Tools | |
Parent Process MD5 | |
Identity Type | |
User Id | User Id |
IncomingMirrorError | |
Source Status | |
userAccountControl | userAccountControl |
End Time | The time when the offense ended. |
Process ID | |
Device Model | Device Model |
Email Sent Successfully | Whether the email has been successfully sent. |
Policy Type | |
Resource Type | |
Last Update Time | |
Registry Key | |
EmailCampaignCanvas | |
EmailCampaignMutualIndicators | |
Verification Status | The status of the user verification. |
External Sub Category ID | |
Policy Deleted | |
Ticket Closed Date | |
Compliance Notes | Notes regarding the assets compliance. |
List Of Rules - Event | The list of rules associated to an event. |
App message | |
Manager Email Address | |
Source Networks | |
Attack Mode | Attack mode as received from the integration JSON |
Item Owner Email | |
Registry Hive | |
Domain Name | |
MITRE Technique Name | |
Reporter Email Address | The email address of the user who reported the email. |
CVSS Integrity Requirement | The CVSS integrity requirement for the asset. |
Number of Related Incidents | |
Original Description | The description of the incident |
Password Reset Successfully | Whether the password has been successfully reset. |
Blocked Action | Blocked Action |
High Risky Users | |
Cloud Resource List | |
Device OS Version | |
Triggered Security Profile | Triggered Security Profile |
Post Nat Source Port | The source port after NAT. |
User Anomaly Count | |
OS | The operating system. |
Risk Name | |
External Severity | |
Event Names | The event name (translated QID ) in the event. |
Mobile Device Model | |
Process Paths | |
Parent Process Name | |
Classification | Incident Classification |
Related Report | |
Related Endpoints | |
Policy Details | |
Location Region | Location Region |
Detected External IPs | Detected external IPs |
Device Hash | Device Hash |
Policy Severity | |
Resource Name | |
Detected Endpoints | |
File Relationships | |
Device Internal IPs | |
SHA1 | SHA1 |
Alert Acknowledgement | Alert acknowledgement as received from the integration JSON |
Event Descriptions | The description of the event name. |
Alert Action | Alert action as received from the integration JSON |
Vulnerable Product | |
Birthday | Person's Birthday |
Objective | |
Approver | The person who approved or needs to approve the request. |
Source Updated by | |
Category Count | The number of categories that are associated with the offense. |
Password Changed Date | |
Referenced Resource Name | |
Failed Logon Events Timeframe | The timeframe which the failed logon events occurred in. |
Campaign Name | |
Error Message | The error message that contains details about the error that occurred. |
IP Blocked Status | |
Detection End Time | |
Cloud Region List | |
Pre Nat Destination Port | The destination port before NAT. |
Src OS | Src OS |
Users Details | |
Custom Query Results | |
High Risky Hosts | |
Event Action | Action taken on user accounts - Create, Update, Deactivate, Reactivate |
Closing User | The closing user. |
Resource URL | |
Policy Actions | |
Parent Process SHA256 | |
Employee Display Name | The display name of the employee. |
UUID | UUID as received from the integration JSON |
Time to Assignment | The time it took from when the incident was created until a user was assigned to it. |
Source Category | |
Org Level 2 | |
Similar incidents Dbot | |
Number of similar files | |
Use Case Description | |
User Groups | |
Registration Email | |
Technical User | The technical user of the asset. |
Vulnerability Category | |
Remediation SLA | The time it took since remediation of the incident began, and until it ended. |
Pre Nat Source IP | The source IP before NAT. |
Agents ID | |
Verdict | |
Account ID | |
Related Alerts | |
Hunt Results Count | |
External End Time | |
Technique | |
Last Name | Last Name |
Endpoint Isolation Status | |
User Block Status | |
Job Code | Job Code |
SKU Name | |
File Size | File Size |
Additional Indicators | |
Verification Method | The method used to verify the user. |
Assigned User | Assigned User |
Parent Process CMD | |
Region | |
Project ID | |
URLs | |
Ticket Acknowledged Date | |
Part of Campaign | The ID of the campaign incident of which the current incident is part of. |
Caller | |
CVSS Collateral Damage Potential | The CVSS collateral damage potential of the asset. |
Related Campaign | |
External Category Name | |
app channel name | |
Vendor Product | |
Destination Geolocation | The destination geolocation of the event. |
Risk Score | |
CVSS Availability Requirement | The CVSS availability requirement for the asset. |
Assignment Group | |
External Link | |
File Access Date | |
Full Name | Person's Full Name |
Domain Squatting Result | The result of the domain-squatting check for the attacker's email. |
User Engagement Response | |
Device Time | The time from the original logging device when the event occurred. |
Incident Link | |
Item Owner | |
Cloud Instance ID | Cloud Instance ID |
Last Modified On | |
Parent Process File Path | |
MITRE Tactic ID | |
Org Level 1 | |
CVSS | |
File Creation Date | |
Country Code Number | |
Alert Type ID | |
ASN Name | |
Block Indicators Status | |
Policy ID | |
IP Reputation | |
Application Path | |
Mobile Phone | |
Policy Recommendation | |
Last Mirrored Time Stamp | The last time the incident was mirrored in. |
Asset Name | |
Primary Email Address | |
Policy Remediable | |
Process Names | |
Domain Updated Date | |
Endpoints Details | |
User Creation Time | |
Process MD5 | |
Status Reason | |
Tenant Name | Tenant Name |
Last Seen | |
External Status | |
Detection URL | URL of the ExtraHop Reveal(x) detection |
Account Member Of | |
Alert tags | |
Triage SLA | The time it took to investigate and enrich incident information. |
CVSS Confidentiality Requirement | The CVSS confidentiality requirement of the asset. |
CVE ID | |
Group ID | |
Additional Data | |
Process Creation Time | |
Report Name | |
Sub Category | The sub category |
Comment | The comments related with the incident |
Source Geolocation | The source geolocation of the event. |
Street Address | |
URL SSL Verification | Indicates whether the URLs passed the SSL certificate verification. |
Scenario | |
Source Urgency | Source Urgency |
User SID | |
Timezone | |
Close Time | The closing time. |
Domain Registrar Abuse Email | |
sAMAccountName | User sAMAAccountName |
Tactic ID | |
First Name | First Name |
Dest OS | Destination OS |
Source Create time | |
File Hash | |
Team name | |
RemovedFromCampaigns | |
Raw Event | The unparsed event data. |
Parent Process Path | |
Additional Email Addresses | |
Protocol names | |
Referenced Resource ID | |
Cost Center | Cost Center |
Job Family | Job Family |
Process SHA256 | |
External Category ID | |
Job Function | Job Function |
Employee Email | The email address of the employee. |
Original Alert Source | |
External Last Updated Time | |
Closing Reason | The closing reason |
Investigation Stage | The stage of the investigation. |
External System ID | |
Employee Manager Email | The email address of the employee's manager. |
Technique ID | |
Log Source Name | The log source name associated with the event. |
CVE Published | |
Org Level 3 | |
Asset ID | |
Traffic Direction | The direction of the traffic in the event. |
Escalation | |
Command Line Verdict | |
Manager Name | Manager Name |
Destination IPV6 | The destination IPV6 address. |
Process CMD | |
Exposure Level | |
Original Events | The events associated with the offense. |
similarIncidents | |
Number Of Log Sources | The number of log sources related to the offense. |
Leadership | |
SHA512 | SHA512 |
Country Code | |
MITRE Technique ID | |
Original Alert Name | Alert name as received from the integration JSON |
String Similarity Results | |
Device OU | Device's OU path in Active Directory |
Log Source | Log Source |
Alert Rules | |
Source Priority | |
ASN | |
Given Name | Given Name |
Rule Name | The name of a YARA rule |
City | |
Zip Code | Zip Code |
OS Type | OS Type |
Vendor ID | |
Containment SLA | The time it took to contain the incident. |
Low Level Categories Events | The low level category of the event. |
EmailCampaignSnippets | |
Device Id | Device Id |
Alert Malicious | Whether the alert is malicious. |
Threat Name | Define the threat name such as malware/exploit/phishing/etc |
Phone Number | Phone number |
Duration | |
Source Created By | |
Suspicious Executions Found | |
Device Status | |
EmailCampaignSummary | |
Post Nat Destination IP | The destination IP address after NAT. |
Registry Value | |
Changed | The user who changed this incident |
Is Active | Alert status |
Source External IPs | |
Ticket Number | |
External Sub Category Name | |
Destination Networks | |
Error Code | |
Region ID | |
OutgoingMirrorError | |
Cloud Account ID | |
Rendered HTML | The HTML content in a rendered form. |
Device OS Name |
Name | Description |
Hunt | |
Job | |
Reconnaissance | |
Authentication | |
Policy Violation | |
UnknownBinary | |
Exploit | |
DoS | |
Lateral Movement | |
Simulation | |
Defacement | |
Exfiltration | |
Vulnerability | |
Network | |
C2Communication | |
Indicator Feed |
Name | Description |
Title | Title |
Positive Detections | Number of engines that positively detected the indicator as malicious |
Office365Category | |
Cost Center | |
Operating System Version | |
X.509 v3 Extensions | |
Geo Country | |
Threat Types | The threat category associated to this indicator by the source vendor. For example, Phishing, Command \u0026 Control, TOR, etc. |
Processor | |
Kill Chain Phases | The list of Kill Chain Phases for which this object is used. |
Organization | |
Registrar Abuse Country | |
Personal Email | |
Groups | |
Primary Motivation | |
Implementation Languages | |
STIX Primary Motivation. | |
Objective | |
Detection Engines | Total number of engines that checked the indicator |
Organization Last Seen | Date and time when the indicator was last seen in the organization. |
Issuer DN | Issuer Distinguished Name |
CVSS3 | |
Number of subkeys | |
Key Value | |
Country Name | |
Size | |
Registrar Abuse Email | |
STIX Is Malware Family | |
Goals | |
SPKI SHA256 | SHA256 fingerprint of Subject Public Key Info |
OS Version | |
Subject DN | Subject Distinguished Name |
Roles | |
Category | |
Expiration Date | |
Feed Related Indicators | |
Infrastructure Types | |
Country Code Number | |
Rank | Used to display rank from different sources |
Port | |
File Extension | |
Signature Description | |
Detections | |
Leadership | |
Hostname | |
Name Field | |
Secondary Motivations | |
Behavior | |
Certificate Validation Checks | |
Manager Name | Manager Name |
Assigned user | |
DHCP Server | |
Tool Types | |
Community Notes | |
Processors | |
Threat Actor Types | |
Short Description | |
Display Name | |
Associated File Names | |
Indicator Identification | |
Vulnerable Products | |
Industry sectors | Industry sector is an open vocabulary that describes industrial and commercial sectors. |
Account Type | |
Targets | |
SWID | Specifies the Software Identification (SWID) tags entry for the software |
Org Unit | |
Registrant Phone | |
Job Function | |
Subdomains | |
Signature File Version | |
Malware Family | |
Identity class | The type of entity that this Identity describes, e.g., an individual or organization. |
Registrant Country | |
Certificate Signature | |
Office365ExpressRoute | |
Report Object References | A list of STIX IDs referenced in the report. |
Confidence | |
Entry ID | |
Vendor | |
Author | |
Updated Date | |
CVSS Score | |
Internal | |
Blocked | |
Signed | |
Publications | |
imphash | |
SHA512 | |
Org Level 1 | |
IP Address | |
BIOS Version | |
Resource Level | |
Admin Phone | |
Registrar Abuse Network | |
Country Code | |
STIX Malware Types | |
Aliases | Alternative names used to identify this object |
Department | Department |
State | |
Validity Not Before | Specifies the date on which the certificate validity period begins. |
STIX Secondary Motivations | |
Issuer | |
Action | |
Domains | |
Device Model | |
Job Family | |
Subject | |
Mobile Phone | |
Name | |
SHA256 | |
SHA1 | |
Manager Email Address | |
STIX Kill Chain Phases | The list of Kill Chain Phases for which this object is used. |
PEM | Certificate in PEM format. |
Validity Not After | Specifies the date on which the certificate validity period ends. |
Query Language | |
Organization Prevalence | The number of times the indicator is detected in the organization. |
Service | The specific service of a feed integration from which an indicator was ingested. |
STIX Tool Version | |
Version | |
Definition | |
CVSS Version | |
STIX Roles | |
Force Sync | Whether to force user synchronization. |
Mitre Tactics | |
Registrar Abuse Address | |
Registrant Name | |
Domain Referring IPs | |
Public Key | |
Office365Required | |
STIX Tool Types | |
Assigned role | |
Admin Country | |
Tool Version | |
Whois Records | |
Operating System | |
Commands | |
SSDeep | |
Reports | |
Signature Original Name | |
City | City |
Last Seen By Source | The last time the indicator was seen by the Source vendor. |
Location | |
Geo Location | |
Tags | |
Samples | |
Traffic Light Protocol | TLP is a set of designations used to ensure that sensitive information is shared with the appropriate audience. It employs four colors to indicate expected sharing boundaries to be applied by the recipient(s). |
Campaign | |
Domain Referring Subnets | |
Work Phone | |
STIX ID | An identifier uniquely identifies a STIX Object and MAY do so in a deterministic way |
Org Level 2 | |
Name Servers | |
STIX Sophistication | |
Job Code | Job Code |
Applications | |
Source Original Severity | The original score/severity provided by the source without DBot translation. |
Certificate Names | |
Organizational Unit (OU) | |
Creation Date | |
Certificates | |
Reported By | The source that reported this indicator. Can be a feed, an incident, or users. |
Given Name | Given Name |
Operating System Refs | |
Domain Status | |
STIX Description | |
STIX Goals | |
Region | |
Memory | |
Signature Copyright | |
Cost Center Code | |
Path | |
Registrant Email | |
Capabilities | |
CVSS Table | |
Subject Alternative Names | |
Is Malware Family | |
User ID | |
STIX Aliases | Alternative names used to identify this object |
Published | |
Source Priority | |
Description | |
Domain Name | |
Actor | |
Street Address | |
CVSS | |
Associations | Known associations to other pieces of Threat Data. |
Languages | Specifies the languages supported by the software. The value of each list member MUST be a language code conformant to - RFC5646. |
Username | |
Admin Name | |
CVE Modified | |
Organization First Seen | Date and time when the indicator was first seen in the organization. |
Email Address | |
Global Prevalence | The number of times the indicator is detected across all organizations. |
DNS Records | |
File Type | |
Sophistication | |
Signature Authentihash | |
Signature Algorithm | |
Registrar Abuse Phone | |
Domain IDN Name | |
STIX Resource Level | |
Mitre ID | |
Registrar Abuse Name | |
Download URL | |
Organization Type | |
Location Region | |
ASN | |
Admin Email | |
CVE Description | |
Is Processed | |
First Seen By Source | The first time the indicator was seen by the source vendor. |
Registrar Name | |
STIX Threat Actor Types | |
MD5 | |
Vulnerabilities | |
Paths | |
Product | |
Architecture | |
Signature Internal Name | |
Report type | |
Quarantined | Whether the indicator is quarantined or isolated |
Serial Number | |
Surname | Surname |
Zip Code | |
CPE | Specifies the Common Platform Enumeration (CPE) entry for the software, if available. The value for this property MUST be a CPE v2.3 entry from the official NVD CPE Dictionary |
Malware types | |
Extension | |
CVSS Vector | |
DNS | |
Org Level 3 | |
Acquisition Hire | Whether the employee is an acquisition hire. |
AS Owner |
Name | Description |
Vulnerability Layout Rule | |
Indicator Feed Layout Rule |
Name | Description |
Host Indicator | Host indicator layout |
Tactic Layout | Tactic Indicator Layout |
Course of Action | Course of Action Indicator Layout |
Malware Indicator | Malware Indicator Layout |
Software | Software Indicator Layout |
Intrusion Set | Intrusion Set Layout |
Registry Key Indicator | Registry Key Indicator Layout |
Domain Indicator | Domain Indicator Layout |
Infrastructure | Infrastructure Indicator Layout |
IP Indicator | IP Indicator Layout |
Tool Indicator | Tool Indicator Layout |
Email Indicator | Email Indicator Layout |
File Indicator | File Indicator Layout |
Campaign | Campaign Indicator Layout |
Indicator Feed Incident | |
Account Indicator | Account Indicator Layout |
Location | Location indicator layout |
Identity | Identity indicator layout |
Threat Actor | Threat Actor Indicator Layout |
URL Indicator | URL Indicator Layout |
Mutex | Mutex indicator layout |
CVE Indicator | CVE Indicator Layout |
Attack Pattern | Attack Pattern Indicator Layout |
Vulnerability Incident | |
Report | Report Indicator Layout |
ASN | ASN Indicator Layout |
X509 Certificate | CVE Indicator Layout |
Name | Description |
Tactic | |
Malware | |
Attack Pattern | |
Onion Address | |
ssdeep | |
IP | |
DomainGlob | |
Campaign | |
CIDR | |
Infrastructure | |
Registry Key | |
Tool | |
File SHA-256 | |
Host | |
Report | |
File MD5 | |
Threat Actor | |
File SHA-1 | |
X509 Certificate | |
Location | |
CVE | |
Course of Action | |
IPv6 | |
Account | |
Domain | |
File | |
Mutex | |
URL | |
Identity | |
ASN | |
Software | |
Intrusion Set | |
Pack Name | Pack By |
Base | By: Cortex XSOAR |
Common Scripts | By: Cortex XSOAR |
Pack Name | Pack By |
Base | By: Cortex XSOAR |
Cortex REST API | By: Cortex XSOAR |
Common Scripts | By: Cortex XSOAR |
Added the CrowdStrike Falcon OFP Detection
incident type as an associated type.
Cloud Service
Added the CrowdStrike Falcon OFP Detection
incident type as an associated type.
First Seen
Added the CrowdStrike Falcon OFP Detection
incident type as an associated type.
Last Seen
Added the CrowdStrike Falcon OFP Detection
incident type as an associated type.
Display Name
Added the CrowdStrike Falcon OFP Detection
incident type as an associated type.
Device Id
Added the CrowdStrike Falcon OFP Detection
incident type as an associated type.
Vendor Product
Added the CrowdStrike Falcon OFP Detection
incident type as an associated type.
Last Update Time
Added the CrowdStrike Falcon OFP Detection
incident type as an associated type.
User Id
Added the CrowdStrike Falcon OFP Detection
incident type as an associated type.
Added new number field which represents the number of times the indicator is detected in the organization.
Added new number field which represents the number of times the indicator is detected across all organizations.
Added new date field which represents when the indicator was first seen in the organization.
Added new date field which represents when the indicator was last seen in the organization.
Added default mapping to the indicator fields:
CLI Name | Context Path |
organizationprevalence |
File.OrganizationPrevalence |
globalprevalence |
File.GlobalPrevalence |
organizationfirstseen |
File.OrganizationFirstSeen |
organizationlastseen |
File.OrganizationLastSeen |
firstseenbysource |
File.FirstSeenBySource |
lastseenbysource |
File.LastSeenBySource |
Added default mapping to the indicator fields:
CLI Name | Context Path |
organizationprevalence |
Domain.OrganizationPrevalence |
globalprevalence |
Domain.GlobalPrevalence |
organizationfirstseen |
Domain.OrganizationFirstSeen |
organizationlastseen |
Domain.OrganizationLastSeen |
firstseenbysource |
Domain.FirstSeenBySource |
lastseenbysource |
Domain.LastSeenBySource |
Added default mapping to the indicator fields:
CLI Name | Context Path |
organizationprevalence |
URL.OrganizationPrevalence |
globalprevalence |
URL.GlobalPrevalence |
organizationfirstseen |
URL.OrganizationFirstSeen |
organizationlastseen |
URL.OrganizationLastSeen |
firstseenbysource |
URL.FirstSeenBySource |
lastseenbysource |
URL.LastSeenBySource |
Added default mapping to the indicator fields:
CLI Name | Context Path |
organizationprevalence |
IP.OrganizationPrevalence |
globalprevalence |
IP.GlobalPrevalence |
organizationfirstseen |
IP.OrganizationFirstSeen |
organizationlastseen |
IP.OrganizationLastSeen |
firstseenbysource |
IP.FirstSeenBySource |
lastseenbysource |
IP.LastSeenBySource |
Added default mapping to the indicator fields:
| CLI Name | Context Path |
| --- | --- |
| organizationprevalence
| IPv6.OrganizationPrevalence |
| globalprevalence
| IPv6.GlobalPrevalence |
| organizationfirstseen
| IPv6.OrganizationFirstSeen |
| organizationlastseen
| IPv6.OrganizationLastSeen |
| firstseenbysource
| IPv6.FirstSeenBySource |
| lastseenbysource
| IPv6.LastSeenBySource |
Account Indicator
Changed the name of the "Reputation" section in quick-view to "Verdict" as per the convention.
Domain Indicator
Changed the name of the "Reputation" section in quick-view to "Verdict" as per the convention.
File Indicator
Changed the name of the "Reputation" section in quick-view to "Verdict" as per the convention.
Registry Key Indicator
Changed the name of the "Reputation" in quick-view section to "Verdict" as per the convention.
Email Indicator
Fixed an issue with the indicator layout quick-view missing the "Verdict" section.
File Indicator
Updated layout with canvas
Account Indicator
Updated layout with canvas
Updated layout with canvas
Threat Actor
Updated layout with canvas
URL Indicator
Updated layout with canvas
X509 Certificate
Updated layout with canvas
Updated layout with canvas
Updated layout with canvas
Updated layout with canvas
Tool Indicator
Updated layout with canvas
Attack Pattern
Updated layout with canvas
Updated layout with canvas
IP Indicator
Updated layout with canvas
Malware Indicator
Updated layout with canvas
Course of Action
Updated layout with canvas
Host Indicator
Updated layout with canvas
Updated layout with canvas
Email Indicator
Updated layout with canvas
CVE Indicator
Updated layout with canvas
Domain Indicator
Updated layout with canvas
Updated layout with canvas
Updated layout with canvas
Intrusion Set
Updated layout with canvas
Updated layout with canvas
Registry Key Indicator
Updated layout with canvas
Updated layout with canvas
External ID
Added support for the External ID field in the Exabeam Security Operations Platform.
Last Modified On
Added support for the Last Modified On field in the Exabeam Security Operations Platform.
Risk Score
Added support for the Risk Score field in the Exabeam Security Operations Platform.
File Indicator
Updated the layout to support enrichment excluded indicators - added a toggle switch when editing the indicator to mark it as "Enrichment Excluded", Once excluded, the "Enrich" buttons will be disabled, a new banner will be displayed next to the indicator value, and a field called "Enrichment Excluded" will be added to the layout and will show as "True". (From Cortex XSOAR 8.8)
Domain Indicator
Updated the layout to support enrichment excluded indicators - added a toggle switch when editing the indicator to mark it as "Enrichment Excluded", Once excluded, the "Enrich" buttons will be disabled, a new banner will be displayed next to the indicator value, and a field called "Enrichment Excluded" will be added to the layout and will show as "True". (From Cortex XSOAR 8.8)
URL Indicator
Updated the layout to support enrichment excluded indicators - added a toggle switch when editing the indicator to mark it as "Enrichment Excluded", Once excluded, the "Enrich" buttons will be disabled, a new banner will be displayed next to the indicator value, and a field called "Enrichment Excluded" will be added to the layout and will show as "True". (From Cortex XSOAR 8.8)
Email Indicator
Updated the layout to support enrichment excluded indicators - added a toggle switch when editing the indicator to mark it as "Enrichment Excluded", Once excluded, the "Enrich" buttons will be disabled, a new banner will be displayed next to the indicator value, and a field called "Enrichment Excluded" will be added to the layout and will show as "True". (From Cortex XSOAR 8.8)
IP Indicator
Updated the layout to support enrichment excluded indicators - added a toggle switch when editing the indicator to mark it as "Enrichment Excluded", Once excluded, the "Enrich" buttons will be disabled, a new banner will be displayed next to the indicator value, and a field called "Enrichment Excluded" will be added to the layout and will show as "True". (From Cortex XSOAR 8.8)
Added support for incident type Exabeam Notable User.
Added support for incident type Exabeam Notable User.
End Time
Added support for incident type Exabeam Notable User.
Work Phone
Added support for incident type Exabeam Notable User.
Start Time
Added support for incident type Exabeam Notable User.
First Seen
Added support for incident type Exabeam Notable User.
Last Seen
Added support for incident type Exabeam Notable User.
Mobile Phone
Added support for incident type Exabeam Notable User.
Manager Name
Added support for incident type Exabeam Notable User.
User Groups
Added support for incident type Exabeam Notable User.
Added support for incident type Exabeam Notable User.
Added support for incident type Exabeam Notable User.
Added support for incident type Exabeam Notable User.
Risk Score
Added support for incident type Exabeam Notable User.
Display Name
Added the CrowdStrike Falcon On-Demand Scans Detection
incident type as an associated type.
Last Update Time
Added the CrowdStrike Falcon On-Demand Scans Detection
incident type as an associated type.
Vendor Product
Added the CrowdStrike Falcon On-Demand Scans Detection
incident type as an associated type.
Device Id
Added the CrowdStrike Falcon On-Demand Scans Detection
incident type as an associated type.
Certification | Certified | Read more |
Supported By | Cortex | |
Created | July 26, 2020 | |
Last Release | December 31, 2024 |