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Qualys Vulnerability Management let's you create, run, fetch and manage reports, launch and manage vulnerability and compliance scans, and manage the host assets you want to scan for vulnerabilities and compliance

If you have a network with many assets, Qualys can detect vulnerabilities and policy compliance.

What does this content pack do?

  • Run scans for vulnerabilities and policy compliance.
  • Create reports about the scans.
  • Manage the hosts and assets on your network.

There are several playbooks in this pack. Each playbook launches a report or scan and fetches it when it is ready.


  • Qualys Vulnerability Management uses basic authentication. You'll need your Qualys login credentials to use this integration.

  • Qualys user accounts that have been enabled with VIP two-factor authentication can be used with the Qualys API, however two-factor authentication will not be used when making API requests. Two-factor authentication is only supported when logging into the Qualys GUI.

If you have a network with many assets, Qualys can detect vulnerabilities and policy compliance.

What does this content pack do?

  • Run scans for vulnerabilities and policy compliance.

  • Create reports about the scans.

  • Manage the hosts and assets on your network.

  • Fetches Activity Logs ang Hosts Vulnerabilities.
    There are several playbooks in this pack. Each playbook launches a report or scan and fetches it when it is ready.


  • Qualys Vulnerability Management uses basic authentication. You'll need your Qualys login credentials to use this integration.

  • Qualys user accounts that have been enabled with VIP two-factor authentication can be used with the Qualys API, however two-factor authentication will not be used when making API requests. Two-factor authentication is only supported when logging into the Qualys GUI.



Cortex XSOARCortex XSIAM


CertificationRead more
Supported ByCortex
CreatedJune 30, 2020
Last ReleaseFebruary 3, 2025

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