Verify that all firewalls successfully pushed logs to the Cortex Data Lake for the last 12 hours. It's an easy way to do monitoring of the FW connection to CDL.
You can use either a manual list of FW serials or a Panorama integration to get the list of equipment to monitor.
PAN-OS to Strata Logging Service Monitoring
- Details
- Content
- Dependencies
- Version History
Monitor the PAN-OS FW log upload to the Strata Logging Service in a reoccurring job. The key pre-requisite is the configuration of the Strata Logging Service integration.
Name | Description |
PANOStoCortexDataLakeMonitoring |
Name | Description |
fwserials | Comma separated list of PAN-OS Firewall serial numbers. |
panosintegrationinstancename | The name of the PAN-OS integration instance. |
Name | Description |
Cortex Data Lake Monitoring | |
PAN-OS logging to Cortex Data Lake - Action Required |
Name | Description |
Cortex Data Lake Monitoring | |
PAN-OS logging to Cortex Data Lake - Action Required |
Name | Description |
PAN-OS logging to Strata Logging Service - Action Required | This Playbook initiates the steps needed to investigate the PAN-OS logging to Strata Logging Service problems. |
PAN-OS to Strata Logging Service Monitoring - Cron Job | This playbook verifies that your FWs sent logs to the Strata Logging Service in the last 12 hours. An email notification will be sent if it's not the case. |
Pack Name | Pack By |
Base | By: Cortex XSOAR |
Common Playbooks | By: Cortex XSOAR |
Common Scripts | By: Cortex XSOAR |
Strata Logging Service by Palo Alto Networks | By: Cortex XSOAR |
PAN-OS by Palo Alto Networks | By: Cortex XSOAR |
Pack Name | Pack By |
Common Types | By: Cortex XSOAR |
Pack Name | Pack By |
Common Scripts | By: Cortex XSOAR |
PAN-OS by Palo Alto Networks | By: Cortex XSOAR |
Cortex REST API | By: Cortex XSOAR |
Base | By: Cortex XSOAR |
Rasterize | By: Cortex XSOAR |
Filters And Transformers | By: Cortex XSOAR |
Common Playbooks | By: Cortex XSOAR |
Strata Logging Service by Palo Alto Networks | By: Cortex XSOAR |
Supported By | Community | |
Created | April 12, 2021 | |
Last Release | December 15, 2024 |